
NSF FastLane

FastLane, NSF’s interactive real-time grant management system, is used to conduct NSF business over the internet. registration is required prior to initiating an NSF proposal.   To register for an account, complete the  Account Registration Form below. Once completed, SPS will receive an email notification for and approve the registration.  Step-by-step instructions can be found in the Account Registration Guide.   If you already have an ID and password, click on the second link below to login to Fastlane.

Instructions for Routing NSF Proposals via FastLane

Internal paperwork must be routed through SPS before the proposal is submitted electronically through NSF Fastlane.

  1. The routing process should be initiated 5 business days before the deadline date. This allows SPS to review and approve the proposal prior to electronic submission through NSF FastLane.
  2. The proposal will not be submitted electronically to NSF until SPS receives, reviews, and approves the “complete proposal package.”  The “complete proposal package” consists of:
    • Internal Proposal Review Form with signatures
    • Budget and Budget Justification
    • Access to Fastlane application

The PI does not submit the proposal to NSF. Only SPS has the authority to submit the proposal to NSF after receiving full access permission from the PI. The PI may only “Allow SRO [Sponsored Research Office, i.e. SPS] Access.”

  • The PI will complete the electronic proposal in Fastlane and “Allow SRO Access”. SPS will print the proposal, review for compliance with proposal guidelines, and request additional information and/or corrections as necessary.
  • The PI will be notified when the application has been reviewed and approved.
  • The PI will notify SPS when the proposal is finalized and is ready for submission.
  • The final version must be reviewed by SPS prior to submission.

Understand the different levels of allowing SRO Access.

Pressing the “Allow SRO Access” button within FastLane directs the PI to a screen entitled “SRO Access Control,” where the PI should choose one of three options:

  1. Allow SRO to only view proposal but not submit.
  2. Allow SRO to view and edit but not submit proposal.
  3. Allow SRO to view, edit and submit proposal.

The third option can be activated by the PI at any stage of the proposal. Selecting the third option will not be interpreted by SPS as a signal to submit the proposal to NSF unless the PI previously indicated otherwise. The PI should contact SPS when the proposal has been finalized and is ready for submission.

The Principal Investigator may continue to edit a proposal after granting SRO Access. Remember: two events need to occur before SPS will submit a proposal to NSF:

  1. SPS must receive and approve the complete proposal package, as described above.
  2. From within the “SRO Access Control” interface, the PI must select the third option, “Allow SRO to view, edit and submit proposal.”

Do not wait until the last minute to deliver the proposal package or “Allow SRO Access.”

The FastLane server has been known to “bog down,” particularly on deadline dates.  This may result in missing the deadline, in which case the PI would need to seek an extension from the Program Officer. An email message will be sent to the PI when the proposal has been submitted via FastLane.

Instructions for Submitting Subawards to NSF

All UConn personnel who plan to submit subaward budgets via FastLane must first be registered FastLane users. If you are not a registered user, please complete SPS’ online registration form (see link above). Participation as a subawardee entails two distinct administrative responsibilities.

1. FastLane Portion

  • The PI from the Lead Institution assigns a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the proposal and then shares that PIN and Proposal ID with the UConn subaward applicant.
  • The UConn subaward applicant then logs in with last name, NSF ID, FastLane password, and the PIN and Proposal ID#. This provides access to the Llead Institution’s proposal and enables full functionality including the uploading of budgets, letters of support, biographical sketches, and etcetera.

2. UConn Portion. In addition to FastLane requirements, there are several documents that the UConn subaward applicant is required to submit to SPS for review and approval:

  • Internal Proposal Review Form with signatures
  • Signed Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Forms for all key personnel
  • Completed Cooperating Institution Consortium Statement
  • Budget and Budget Justification
  • Scope of Work – a narrative description of the subawardee’s role in the lead institution’s project.

NSF Data Management Plan Requirements

Effective for all new NSF applications received by NSF on and after January 18th, 2011. All applications that lack a data management plan will be returned without review.

Dissemination and Sharing of Research Results

NSF Data Sharing Policy

Investigators are expected to share with other researchers, at no more than incremental cost and within a reasonable time, the primary data, samples, physical collections and other supporting materials created or gathered in the course of work under NSF grants. Grantees are expected to encourage and facilitate such sharing.

NSF Data Management Plan Requirements

Proposals submitted or due on or after January 18, 2011, must include a supplementary document of no more than two pages labeled “Data Management Plan”. This supplementary document should describe how the proposal will conform to NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results.

Requirements by Directorate, Office, Division, Program, or other NSF Unit

For the specific information related to NSF data management plans and Directorate requirements, visit: Data Management Plans

  • Data Management Plans for Collaborative Proposals

    Simultaneously submitted collaborative proposals and proposals that include subawards are a single unified project and should include only one supplemental combined Data Management Plan, regardless of the number of non-lead collaborative proposals or subawards included. Fastlane will not permit submission of a proposal that is missing a Data Management Plan. Proposals for supplementary support to an existing award are not required to include a Data Management Plan.

    Data Management & Sharing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (updated November 30, 2010)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Cost Sharing Policy Guidance

NSF policy states that the inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited in all proposals except when required in the NSF solicitation.  SPS has guidance available to assist you during proposal preparation and to help to ensure that applications are compliant with NSF and University policy including situations where senior personnel do not request salary for their effort on the project.

Additional information regarding NSF submissions