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Safety in Research

“The way we conduct research, engage our students, and prepare the next generation of scholars requires that we ensure the health and well-being of all involved. Strengthening and supporting a culture of safety is as important to our discovery enterprise as is peer review, publication, grant writing, mentoring, and educating; it is integral to the responsible conduct of research…Safety is a critical component of scholarly excellence…Good science is safe science.” APLU Council on Research (2016).

UConn is dedicated to promoting a culture of safety and provides resources and mechanisms to support researchers in conducting safe, responsible, and successful research activities:

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) provides comprehensive services in the fields of biological safety, chemical safety, occupational safety, radiation safety, and environmental health. EHS maintains and administers programs that combine training, consultation, control, and inspection to protect the health and safety of the University community and to ensure regulatory compliance and adherence to University policies and recognized standards.

Research Integrity & Compliance works to promote safety and regulatory compliance in research by maintaining faculty lead oversight committees.  The safety committees supported by this office include: