Meet the Research Development Services Team!
Under the leadership and direction of Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Pamir Alpay, the Research Development Services team is excited to put their talents and experience to work partnering with UConn/UConn Health investigators to increase faculty grant-seeking success.
Bethany Drews Javidi, MA – Large/Complex Proposal Development Specialist

Matthew Mroz, PhD – Manager, Research Development Services
Matt is responsible for the management of the OVPR’s portfolio of internal seed and commercialization funding opportunities, the selection processes for Limited Submission grant and award opportunities, Grantwriting Training, and the coordination of proposal development support services. Matt earned his doctorate in English from UConn in 2015 (research interests: English Renaissance Literature and Rhetoric), and he has teaching and administrative experience in early modern literature and rhetoric and composition.
Caitlin O’Connell, PhD – Research Development Associate
Caitlin provides proposal development support to faculty, including consultation, editing, and document management. Prior to joining the OVPR, she worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Allied Health Sciences. She completed a PhD in Pathobiology at UConn, where her research focused on vaccine safety. She began her career with a B.S. in Biology from Stonehill College.