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External Funding Resources Overview

The Research Development Services team offers several resources to assist faculty in finding external funding opportunities for their research and scholarship.



Sign up for our Funding Opportunity Listservs to receive periodic emails with funding opportunities in topic areas of interest to you.



UConn subscribes to two grant funding search engines:

Pivot-RP, encompassing state, federal, corporate, non-profit, and foundation sponsors. Create an account to identify potential funding opportunities, receive weekly funding alerts based on your research profile, and identify potential collaborators within UConn using Pivot Profiles.

Foundation Directory Online, specializing in private and corporate foundation funding.


Specific Topic Areas

UConn is a key member of the QuantumCT initiative. Our team has curated funding opportunities specific to research, workforce development, and education related to the quantum sciences.

ARPA-H – a new research funding agency focused on transformative biomedical and health breakthroughs. See our ARPA-H funding resources page for more information.


Contact our team!

For assistance with any of these tools or questions regarding external funding opportunities, please contact the RDS team at ovpr-rds@uconn.edu.