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Award Report

After awards are made and the project has been completed, the OVPR (Office of the Vice President for Research) would like to evaluate project progress and to learn more about the impact of the work that has been done. Please email research@uconn.edu with a 1–2-page narrative that includes the following:  

  • Cover: title, team, funding mechanism, date of award, etc.  
  • Summary (brief): of the project aims/goals and the results to date.  
  • Project Outcomes (if relevant): publications, grant applications, grant awards, invention disclosures, patents, other “products.”  
  • Project Impacts (if relevant): discipline impacts, institutional impacts (students, teaching, infrastructure etc.), economic impacts, community impacts  
  • Anticipated next steps (if relevant): follow-on projects, dissemination plans, external funding strategy, commercialization, etc.  

     After the award period ends, we are interested in receiving updates on outcomes from the award. We understand that the full realization of many projects may appear sometime after the funded work is complete. After this initial report is submitted, we will contact you in the future for updates on the project’s longitudinal impacts.