
Service Units

Responsible for overseeing the $260 million annual research enterprise across all UConn campuses, including UConn Health, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) manages all aspects of research and scholarship activities for UConn’s world-class faculty.

The OVPR supports both short- and long-term initiatives to grow UConn’s research enterprise and robust innovation pipeline. Through a dynamic, multifaceted approach, the OVPR promotes single faculty investigator projects, large-scale interdisciplinary collaborations, partnerships with leading industries, and high-potential, university-driven startups.

The OVPR is responsible for:

  • Research Support & Development
  • Core Research Facilities
  • Grant Proposal Support
  • Award Management
  • Research Compliance
  • Technology Commercialization
  • UConn’s Technology Incubation Program
  • IPB at UConn Tech Park

Learn More

Faculty Services is an optional service provided by the University and jointly funded by participating units and the Office of the Vice President for Research. We provide both pre- and post-award support and units can sign up to receive either or both services. If you are interested in receiving more information about this service and the cost, please contact Brianna Demers, Associate Director for Faculty Services (brianna.demers@uconn.edu).


Pre-Award Services

Our comprehensive proposal support allows faculty to spend more time on the drafting a strong narrative while ensuring their proposal will adhere to all University policies and meet with the requirements of the sponsor and solicitation. A full list of our services can be found here.

  • Provide exceptional administrative support from proposal assembly to submission from expert administrators.
  • Allow faculty to focus on the scientific development of the application.
  • A team of specialists ensures support is always available to faculty during University hours.
  • Help faculty to produce higher quality proposals is greater numbers.


Post-Award Services

Our full post-award support is a partnership with administrators within your unit to ensure faculty receive tailored services to manage their awards effectively. An overview of this partnership can be found here. By acting as the Fiscal Officer, we can provide rigorous oversight including thorough monthly reviews and a closeout process to ensure there are no surprises (deficits, unallowable costs, etc.). A full list of our services can be found here.

  • Provide exceptional administrative support from pre-award/advance accounts through closeout from expert administrators.
  • Provide detailed and customized monthly reports.
  • Allow faculty to focus on the research and spend less time on administrative tasks.

For Participating Departments

Pre-Award Services

Who is My Pre-Award Specialist?
Summary of Services
  • Budget development
  • Budget justification templates
  • Completion of all internal administrative forms (IPR, Cost Sharing, etc.)
  • Review of all proposal documents against the requirements of the sponsor and solicitation
  • Application building (our team will complete the application in WorkSpace, FastLane, etc.)
  • Coordination with Sponsored Program Services for final review and approval
Faculty Tips for Success
  • Contact us early! The earlier we are involved, the more support we can provide you.
  • Contact us even if you are not sure if you will submit!
  • Send us your documents as you complete them. We will review them against the requirements of the sponsor and solicitation and will let you know if changes are required.
  • Keep us informed of your scheduled and planned travel so we can manage deadlines effectively.
  • When your assigned Specialist is out of the office, contact facultyservices@uconn.edu for urgent issues and requests.


Post-Award Services

Who is My Post-Award Specialist?
Summary of Services
  • Daily monitoring of account through KFS and HuskyBuy transactions
  • Customized monthly reports and thorough monthly review
  • Evaluate payroll changes
  • Facilitate subaward and consultant agreements
  • Calculate projections of future expenditures
Faculty Tips for Success
  • Inform of your needs for pre-award/advance account as soon as you think you might need it.
  • Inform us of potential personnel changes so we can project the impact to the award and obtain sponsor approval if necessary.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, it’s what we’re here for!

Faculty Services

Faculty Services, founded in the fall of 2014, was created with the mission to grow and support the research enterprise by providing excellent, consistent proposal development and award management support for University faculty. This department, housed within the Office of the Vice President for Research consists of a team of expert research administrators who work directly with faculty. Faculty Services provides a single point of contact for proposal and/or award support. Our goal is to reduce faculty administrative burden allowing them more time to write proposals and work on funded projects. Faculty Services reduces the number of administrators required to complete a single transaction and reduces administrative tasks overall improving turnaround time and allowing more time to be devoted to complex and unique transactions.

Sponsored Program Services

Sponsored Program Services (SPS) assists faculty with the administration of sponsored program activities to reduce administrative burdens on researchers and department staff. Our goal is to help faculty win more grants and provide comprehensive pre- and post-award services, including:

  • Budget development assistance and review
  • Proposal review and submission
  • Industry contract review and negotiation
  • Guidance and consultation on grant-related questions
  • Assistance with inter-campus award applications
  • Set up of new grant and contract awards and related budgets in UConn’s accounting system
  • Assistance with and processing of budget adjustments
  • Final financial report preparation
  • Proposal preparation and award management support through a shared service program (Faculty Services) to participating Schools and Colleges
  • Research administration training, job aids, and support for staff and faculty



Proposal Development Support Request Form

Safety in Research Contacts

Name Title Phone Email
Karen Moré, MS, CPIA Director of Research Compliance 860.486.2459 karen.more@uconn.edu
Brent Lewchik, CHMM Director, Environmental Health and Safety and Chemical Hygiene Officer 860.486.4927 brent.lewchik@uconn.edu
Valerie Brangan, CIH EHS Occupational Health and Safety Manager 860.486.2982 valerie.brangan@uconn.edu
David Cavallaro, MS, RBP, CBSP Institutional Biosafety Officer and EHS Biological Health and Safety Manager 860.486.3180 david.cavallaro@uconn.edu
Amy Courchesne Radiation Safety Officer and EHS Radiation Safety Manager 860.486.5399 amy.c@uconn.edu
Brianna Sullivan Laser Safety Officer and EHS Senior Radiation Safety Specialist 860.486.1108 brianna.sullivan@uconn.edu

Safety in Research

“The way we conduct research, engage our students, and prepare the next generation of scholars requires that we ensure the health and well-being of all involved. Strengthening and supporting a culture of safety is as important to our discovery enterprise as is peer review, publication, grant writing, mentoring, and educating; it is integral to the responsible conduct of research…Safety is a critical component of scholarly excellence…Good science is safe science.” APLU Council on Research (2016).

UConn is dedicated to promoting a culture of safety and provides resources and mechanisms to support researchers in conducting safe, responsible, and successful research activities:

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) provides comprehensive services in the fields of biological safety, chemical safety, occupational safety, radiation safety, and environmental health. EHS maintains and administers programs that combine training, consultation, control, and inspection to protect the health and safety of the University community and to ensure regulatory compliance and adherence to University policies and recognized standards.

Research Integrity & Compliance works to promote safety and regulatory compliance in research by maintaining faculty lead oversight committees.  The safety committees supported by this office include:

Research Misconduct

The University of Connecticut is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in the performance, reporting, reviewing and proposing of research and scholarly activity.  To this end, it is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, students, trainees and visiting scientists to refrain from and prevent research misconduct.

Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.

  • Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
  • Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  • Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit. Authorship disputes are not defined as plagiarism in this policy.

Research misconduct does not include honest errors or differences of opinion.

It is also the responsibility of the research community to report suspected incidents of research misconduct.


Policy on Alleged Misconduct in Research

Non-Retaliation Policy

Reporting Research Concerns

All concerns related to human research, animal research, conflict of interest, research misconduct, research financial accounting, research safety or other research compliance matters should be reported by calling Research Integrity & Compliance at 860-679-2230, Office of University Compliance at 860-486-2530, or the specific area.

Concerns can also be reported anonymously through the REPORTLINE by calling a toll-free number at (888) 685-2637 or via the REPORTLINE website. The REPORTLINE is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year operated by a private (non-UConn) company. You may contact the hotline to report a concern without giving your name. You will be able to re-contact the REPORTLINE to track your report to provide further information at a later date or to obtain general updates about the status of your concern.

The University welcomes and encourages good-faith reporting. As such, individuals who submit a report or participate in a compliance investigation in good faith are provided protection from retaliation per the University’s Non-Retaliation Policy.

Additional information on reporting concerns can be found at the Office of University Compliance website..pdf


The following is a list of videos on research misconduct and integrity from the US Office of Research Integrity.

The Lab, Avoiding Research Misconduct – In this interactive movie, you can choose an alter-ego and become a graduate student, post doc, PI or RIO, and make decisions facing you in a case of data falsification. Decisions that can have long-term consequences on your career. The movie addresses topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship, data stewardship, authorship, and more. The movie has versions in English, Spanish and Chinese.

The Research Clinic – In this movie, you can become a PI, a clinical research coordinator, a research assistant, or an institutional review board (IRB) chair, and make decisions that protect research subjects and avoid research misconduct.

Internal Funding Opportunities – Overview

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) supports faculty research, scholarship, and creative endeavors through a wide range of internal funding programs.  OVPR internal grants serve as high-leverage, strategic investments in outstanding faculty research projects that are at critical stages of development.  Our internal funding mechanisms are designed to competitively identify projects that fit our key funding criteria–projects that meet the highest disciplinary standards for excellence and are at a “tipping point” where specific work can lead to breakthroughs, external funding, and/or significant recognition. Recognizing that those crucial moments occur at various stages of the research process (and require different levels of funding to address, depending on your discipline), OVPR internal funding programs include large and small dollar mechanisms that focus on seed funding, completion/publication funding, and commercialization funding.

If you are a UConn/UConn Health faculty member who has a project that is ready to move to the next level, we invite you to browse our program guidelines to learn more.  You are also welcome to contact us (research@uconn.edu) to ask questions and to discuss which mechanisms are best suited to meet your needs.

The OVPR-Research Development Services (OVPR-RDS) team is excited to host (virtual) Teams Internal Funding Office Hours where faculty can share their novel seed grant project ideas and ask questions about the internal funding competitions.

Click to sign up for a time slot

Office hours for all awards are:

  • Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to noon
  • Wednesdays, 2 to 4 p.m.


Overview of FY 25 – FY 26 Internal Funding Opportunity Timelines (Last updated 1/21/25)


Applications open

Applications due (12 noon)

Target for Notifications

Scholarship Facilitation Fund – SFF Fall (Storrs/Regional Campuses only) FY26 1/6/2025 6/1/2025 6/30/2025
UConn Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI FY25) Research Initiative 1/6/2025 3/3/2025 6/2025
SPARK Commercialization Technology fund – SPARK FY25 9/16/2024 10/28/2024 (LOI) – 2/24/2025 (Full proposal due by invitation only) 5/2025
Research Excellence Program –REP FY25 9/16/2024 12/16/2024 5/2025
Scholarship and Collaboration in Humanities and Arts Research – SCHARP FY25 9/16/2024 12/16/2024 5/2025
Convergence Awards for Research in Interdisciplinary Centers – CARIC FY26 TBD TBD TBD
Clinical Research and Innovation Seed Program – CRISP FY26 TBD TBD TBD


Table Key:

Complete / not yet open
Open for Applications In Review

Useful Links


Open Source – External Resources & Tools

General Information

What is Open Source?

Open Source Licenses

Overview of Standard/Popular Licenses

Generally Accepted Licenses

Open Source License Selection

Choosing an Appropriate License

License Differentiator – Interactive License Selection Tool

Tabular Comparison of License Terms

Software Licenses in Plain English


License Compatibility


Example Page

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dog tester
Dog running and doing its dog-things

IPB at UConn Tech Park

The Innovation Partnership Building (IPB), an 113,700 square foot research building, officially opened its doors in 2018. The unique facility boasts state-of-the-art specialized equipment and instrumentation for nanofabrication, precision manufacturing, biomedical devices/sensor development, advanced modeling/simulation and material characterization.  The IPB serves a nexus of intellectual, physical and cyber assets intended to foster industry-academic partnerships for research, innovation technology commercialization and job growth for the State of Connecticut.

For more information visit techpark.uconn.edu

Innovation Partnership Building
Innovation Partnership Building