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Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) Archive


  • May 15, 2024 – Presentation slides
    • Export Control Overview – Mike Shelton
    • Business Integrations and Solutions – overview
    • Pre-Award Services
      • Federal Sponsor Updates
        • NRSA Stipends
        • NSF Common Forms effective May 20
      • Proposal Tips and Tricks
        • Submitted Application copies
        • Participant Support vs. Human Subject Incentives
    • Federal Contracting Team – Contracting Process
    • Post-Award Services
      • Fiscal Year-End Reminders
    • Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program
    • SPA Training – Upcoming SPA Meeting


  • April 17, 2024 – Presentation slides
    • Agenda
      • IACUC Overview – Karen Moré
      • Pre-Award Services
        • Staffing Updates
        • Federal Sponsor Updates
          • Malign Foreign Talent Programs – UPDATE
          • NSF – PAPPG Updates May 2024 (continued)
        • Federal Contracting Team – Unfunded Agreements 101 (Part 2)
      • Post-Award Services
        • Award Coming to an End – Best Practices
      • SPA Training
        • NCURA Region 1 Spring Meeting
        • Upcoming SPA
    • March 20, 2024 – Presentation slides
      • Agenda
        • Open Mike
        • IRB Overview – Joan Levine
        • Research Security – Mike Rock
        • Pre-Award Services
          • Federal Sponsor Updates
            • NSF – PAPPG Updates May 2024
              • Malign Foreign Talent Programs
              • Proposals Impacting Tribal Resources or Interests
            • NIH – NRSA Fellowship Certification Form
          • Federal Contracting Team – Unfunded Agreements 101 (Part I)
        • Post-Award Services
          • Cost Allocation – Reminders and Best Practices



    • January 17, 2024 – Presentation slides
      • Agenda
        • New FCOI Form – Kristen Tremblay, FCOI Research Committee
        • Pre-award
          • Federal Sponsor Updates
            • U.S. Department of Energy Pre-Award Information Sheets
            • NIH Foreign Subawards policy
          • Proposal Tips & Tricks
          • Federal Contracts Team Updates
          • Award Set-Up Updates
          • Post-award
            • GEMS Transition – RPPR Reporting Update
            • Final Reporting Enforcement
          • SPA Training announcements
            • New e-learning modules
            • Resources
            • Next SPA meeting


    • November 15, 2023 – Presentation Slides
      • Agenda
        • InfoEd v13 Portal View Sunset
        • Pre-Award Services
          • Organizational Updates
          • Federal Sponsor Updates
          • Proposal Tips & Tricks
        • Pre-Award Services – Fed Team Updates
          • Requesting Award Action or Review
        • Post-Award Services
          • Cost Transfer Best Practices
        • SPA Training
          • NCURA – Region 1 Spring Meeting
          • SPA Training Resources
          • December SPA meeting
    • October 18, 2023 – Presentation Slides
      • Agenda
        • AP/Travel Updates – Dan Warren and Nancy Patrylak
          • Update on Concur Working group
          • Outstanding University Travel Card transactions as well as Concur Expense reports
        • Effort Reporting Updates
        • Pre-Award Services
          • Federal Updates and Deadlines
          • DMPTool Resource
          • Proposal Tips and Tricks
        • Pre-Award Services – Fed Team
          • Read and Comply for “TikTok Ban”
        • Post-Award Services
          • InfoEd – Post-Award Overview
          • GEMS Transition – Reporting
          • NSF Project Reporting Enforcement Pilot
        • SPA Training resources
    • September 20, 2023 – Presentation Slides
      • Agenda
        • IBC presentation – Danielle Delage and David Cavallo
        • Procurement updates – David Denuzzio and BJ Pivonka
        • Pre-Award Services
          • Reminders re: Full Applications
          • Federal Updates/Deadlines
            • NSF RCR requirement
            • NSF FastLane (9/29/23) and ScIENcv (10/23/23) deadlines; CPS document certification
            • Upcoming NASA COI change (12/1/23); upcoming CT Space Grant deadline (10/13/23)
            • NIH DMS Costs (no longer in a single line item) (10/5/23)
          • Proposal Tips & Tricks/Upcoming Guidance
              • Transfer application IDC rates
              • Cost Share Priority Grid
          • SPS Agreements
            • Two Teams: Fed and Non-Fed
            • Single Inbox for agreements
        • Post-Award Services
          • Rebudgeting Best Practices
          • Consulting/Professional Services Invoice Checklist guidance
        • SPA Training – upcoming classes
      • May 17, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Contracts Update
          • Staffing Updates – SPS
          • Pre-Award Services
            • Federal System Updates
            • Creation of System Logins
            • Reps and Certs
            • Proposals Tips and Tricks: 
              • Upcoming Resources
          • Post-Award Services
            • New Awards Best Practices
            • Year End Reminders
          • SPA Training
            • Upcoming SPA Training classes –  class attendance request
            • Next SPA meeting
      • April 19, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Pre-Award Services
            • Review of Late Submissions
            • Redaction of NASA ROSES Budgets
            • NSF: Safe and Inclusive Research Update​
            • NSF:  Results from Prior NSF Suppport
            • Proposals Tips and Tricks: 
              • FCOI Reminders
          • Post-Award Services
            • Closeouts Best Practices
          • SPA Training
            • Upcoming SPA Training classes
      • March 15, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Pre-Award Services
            • Cost Share Budget Fringe Benefit Rates​
            • U.S. Department of Energy Interim Conflict of Interest Policy​
            • Proposals Tips and Tricks: 
              • IDCs on Cost-Shared Expenses 
              • Participant Support vs. Human Subjects
          • Post-Award Services
          • SPA Training
            • Upcoming SPA Training classes
      • February 22, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Tax & Compliance Office
            • BEC Designations in Concur
          • Pre-Award Services
            • NIH Reminders: NRSA Stipends Updated 
            • Pre-Award Delegated Signature Authority 
            • NSF Safe & Inclusive Work Environment Requirements 
            • Top 5 IPR Pitfalls 
            • Final Submission Documents Reminder 
            • Proposals Tips and Tricks: 
            • Using the OSA rate  
            • F&A Costs for State Entity Sponsors 
          • Post-Award Services
            • Best practices for submitting No-Cost Extensions
            • NCE Matrix
          • SPA Training
            • Updated SPS Policies
            • CRA study group
            • Upcoming SPA Training classes
      • January 25, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Pre-Award Services
            • January 2023 Federal Agency Updates
            • New SPS Federal Disclosure Resources
            • Full Proposal Document(s) at Intake
            • Proposal Tips and Tricks!
          • Contract Services Group
            • Non-Disclosure Agreements
          • SPA Training Update
      • November 16, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Procurement Process Challenges & Improvement Plan – Joe Thompson
          • InfoEd updates
          • Pre-Award Announcements and Reminders
          • Best Practices: Proposal Materials
          • Proposal Tips and Tricks
            • Determining PI Eligibility
            • Budgeting – Equipment vs. Supplies
          • Concur from the Post Award Lens
          • Overview of Agreements reviewed/negotiated by Contracts Group
          • SPA Training Announcements and Update
      • October 19, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Accounts Payable – Concur Best Practices
          • NASA Certification Reminder
          • NIH Data Sharing and Management Plan
          • Proposal Tips and Tricks!
          • Greenphire Update
          • Annual Data
          • SEBAC increases final update/review of payroll transactions & anticipated impact on effort reporting
          • Contract Submission reminders
          • SPA Training – upcoming classes
      • September 21, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Introduction of new Pre-Award staff
          • Salary increases and proposal budget escalation
          • Grants.gov downtime 9/23-29
          • Transition from FastLane to Research.gov
          • NASA Questionnaire
          • NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy – upcoming changes
          • Budgeting of fellowships vs. salaries
          • Post-Award staff changes
          • Post-Award operations updates
          • Contract Services Group – contacts and updates
          • SPA Training – Upcoming classes
      • May 18, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • SPA Announcement
          • Pre-Award Announcements and Reminders
          • Demystifying Other Support and Current & Pending:  Tools, Tips, and Tricks
          • SPS Projects in the Works
      • April 20, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Year-end reminders
          • Transition from Fastlane to Research.gov
          • Transition to UEI usage – all subaward commitment forms and grants.gov packages
          • NIH FAQ
          • DocuSign drop-in sessions – learn about the visibility session
          • Proposal Policy Implementation Update
          • USDA IDC Rate calculation – Pre-Award and Post-Award perspective
      • February 16, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Pre-Award Updates
          • DHHS/NIH Update – Salary Cap
          • Addition of UEI to Subrecipient Commitment Form
          • Update on NIH ‘Other Support’ process
          • Clarification on 5-day proposal process
          • Overview of 50K program
          • Subaward Invoice Review
          • FileLocker
          • Mid Year Review
          • Leadership Updates
      • October 20, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Research Development Services
          • Greenphire Updates
          • Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration Registration
          • Change to NIDCD Admin Reduction Guidance for Modular R01 Awards
          • New Hires to SPS
          • Pre-Award Updates
          • Proposal Dashboard Addition
          • IPR Language Update
          • Black Friday Update
      • September 15, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration Registration
          • Unique Entity Identifier for Federal Sponsors
          • NIH Updated Policy for Family Leave and Unpaid Leave for Extramural Loan Repayment Program
          • NSF Website Enhancements
          • Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post Submission Material Policy During COVID-19
          • NSF Pre-Award and Post Award Disclosures Related to the Bio-Sketch
          • Scope of Work Change
      • June 16, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Staff Introductions
          • Fringe Benefits
          • NSF Publications Repository Changes
          • New NIH Inbox for Biographical Sketch and Other Support Questions
          • Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement
          • eRA Commons Expanding Requirements for IDs
          • What’s an Application Packet and When is it Needed
          • Proposal Submission 9:00 am Due Date
      • May 19, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Effort Reports are available (no slide, just a reminder)
          • Introduction – Rashonda Harris, Director of Post Award
          • Year End Reminders
          • Proposal Submission Policy Timeline and Reminders
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • NIH Biographical Sketch and Other Support
          • Training Reminders
      • April 21, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Joni Gould Retirement
          • C onsultants & Contractors on Sponsored Awards – Kathleen Kearney
          • Salary Cap
          • American Heart Association Carryover and No Cost Extension Updates and Reminders
          • Publications and Printing Costs on Sponsored Awards
          • IPR Routing Tips
          • eRA Commons Phasing Out Internet Explorer
          • Redesigned RePORT Tool
          • eRA Commons Login Tip
          • NIH Biographical Sketch and Other Support
      • March 17, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Proposal Development Services Overview
          • IPR Form Overview
          • NIH Update
          • SPS Metrics YTD Comparison-Proposals/Awards
          • Proposal Deadline Implementation
      • February 17, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • New Initiatives with Trish Casey
          • Cost Transfers
          • NRSA
          • Salary Cap
          • Summer 2021 Effort
          • Pcard Transactions
          • SPS Personnel Update
          • Preaward Update/Presidential Group
      • December 16, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Foreign Influence-Wesley Byerly
          • Current and Pending – Other Support
          • General Ledger Transfers
          • HRSA/PMS
          • January Federal Costing Principles Training
          • SPA Meeting Calendar Request
          • ERA Commons Update
      • November 18, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Procard Presentation
          • Greenphire
          • UConn Sponsored Program Metrics
          • Effort Reporting Covid-19 Related Certification Statement
          • OVPR Proposal Submission Faculty Survey Results
          • Proposal Submission Update
      • October 21, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • F&A on Projects of $50K or Less
          • Use of Hypertext in NIH Grant Applications
          • Cost Sharing Reminders and Clarifications
          • NIH Virtual Seminar
          • Expenditures on Sponsored Awards – Guidance
          • Pay on Federal Grants in June 2020 – PI Verification
          • Proposal Process – Under Development
          • Jeopardy!
      • September 16, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Effort Reporting
          • NIH & HRSA Transition to Payment Management System
          • No-Cost Extension Request Form Updates
          • Subaward Invoice Review
          • KFS Upgrade – Non-Payroll Cost Transfers
          • Book Club and CRA Study Group Updates