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Department of Navy (DON) CITI Training Requirements

In order for the University to conduct human subjects research supported by the Department of Navy (DON) through contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or through other arrangements such as collaborations with DON personnel, the UConn IRB obtained a DOD-Navy Addendum to the FWA held by UConn.  The DON Human Research Protection Program requires training for Extramural Performers.  To meet the requirements for continuing education, all personnel who conduct, review, approve, support, manage or oversee DON-supported human research must complete three to six hours of continuing research ethics and human subject protections training every three years.

UConn researchers (PIs, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Assistants, Graduate/Undergraduate students) are considered Extramural Performers as are IRB Members, IRB Staff and the University’s Institutional Official.  All Extramural Performers, regardless of their role in research, will complete the CITI training course “DON-Supported Extramural Performers.”

There are several options available to meet the continuing training requirement, including a new Refresher Course on the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website.  Personnel who completed initial training through CITI may now access and complete the Refresher Training course in order to fulfill continuing education requirements for Extramural Performers.

Investigators who plan to apply to the Department of Navy for funding are strongly encouraged to plan accordingly and to contact Research Compliance Services before the research proposal is submitted to discuss these and other requirements.

    1. Login to CITI. If you’ve forgotten your username or password, contact Doug Bradway at 6-0986 or by email at doug.bradway@uconn.edu.
    2. Under the Main Menu second bullet, select the link for “Affiliate with another institution.”
    3. Go to the “Participating Institutions” pull down menu and select “Department of The Navy” and click “Submit.”
    4. Complete the required member information fields. In the “Your Command” field select “DON Extramural Performers” and click “Submit.”


You will now be asked to answer a series of questions. Please select the following:

  1. What kind of research are you conducting? Select the first option ” I am conducting, planning to conduct, or am otherwise involved in research with human subjects, tissues from humans and/or patient records” and click “Next.”
  2. Social/Behavioral Science Question. Select “The Biomedical Sciences” since the UConn IRB reviews both Biomedical and Social and Behavioral Science research. Click “Next.”
  3. Are you taking initial or refresher? Select “Initial” and click “Next.”
  4. What is your role? Select “DON-Supported Extramural Performers – Biomedical” and click “Next.”
  5. Are you required to complete the CITI Good Clinical Practice Course? Select “No, not at this time” and click “Next.”
  6. Are you required to complete the RCR training? Select “No, not at this time” and click “Next.”
  7. Do you want to review IRB Reference Resource materials? Select “NO – Perhaps some other time” and click “Next.”
  8. Now, you should be back to the Main Menu and the Department of the Navy “DON-supported Extramural Performers, Initial Training” course should be listed as “Incomplete.” Click the “Re-enter” link.
  9. The required modules should be listed. You may receive credit for prior modules completed at UConn. If so, the module name and completion date will be listed in green. Click “The Integrity Assurance Statement” link, read the statement and select the appropriate assurance statement. Click “Submit.”
  10. Now, you should be back to the required modules list. The first module you’ll need to complete should be underlined. Click this link and complete the module. Continue to complete all the modules until the course is completed. Note that some modules do not have an exam.