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Important Notice on Proposal Submission Policy
Revision Date: March 8, 2021 – revisions in italics
As an applicant organization, UConn/UConn Health has an institutional responsibility to verify the accuracy, validity, conformity, and eligibility of all applications submitted to a sponsor on behalf of the University. We have been exploring how to ensure the best delivery of services, meet sponsor and institutional policy requirements that were highlighted in the recent NSF audit, and to ensure that the University has sufficient time to review and certify proposals and increase the number of successful applications. To that end, we have conducted a survey of all faculty who submitted grant proposals within the last two years, listened to the research community’s comments at town halls, and solicited input from the President, Provost, deans, associate deans for research, the President’s Research Advisory Council, University Senate, and other faculty groups.
This listening process revealed that one of the main challenges for both investigators and staff is the bottleneck that occurs immediately prior to proposal submission. In recent years, nearly two-thirds of proposals submitted (with all components ready) are received by Sponsored Program Services (SPS) within one working day or less of the sponsor deadline.
Numerous proposals are being submitted just barely in time, meaning there is little time for a thorough review. Additionally, proposals that have been submitted to SPS far in advance also routinely lack a timely and thorough review because other proposals with an earlier deadline came in and “cut the line.”
To begin to remedy the proposal submission bottleneck, beginning May 5, 2021, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) will implement the current policy on internal deadlines for the review and submission of sponsored project proposals. The process change aims to reduce last day proposal submissions and will prioritize proposals as received. Once the policy is implemented, final administrative components of a proposal must be received by SPS Pre-Award at least five full business days in advance of the submission due date (along with a draft of the scientific components). The final submission ready proposal is due to SPS no later than noon the day before the sponsor deadline.
Exceptions include short turnaround RFPs, last minute sponsor requests, or a last minute opportunity to join a proposal under submission by another institution. Also, each UConn investigator will be given one pass to use in the event they are not able to meet the internal five-day deadline. As is the current practice, SPS Pre-Award will make every effort to submit these proposals when possible. Please visit the OVPR website for additional information and FAQs regarding the internal deadline policy.
To increase faculty support related to proposal preparation, the OVPR will be taking the following additional steps:
- The OVPR is working to address situations where investigators do not have dedicated administrative support for the preparation of a proposal; we will continue to increase staff training opportunities, extend faculty service offerings, and work to simplify the submission process.
- The OVPR will implement a dashboard to increase transparency and provide information on the status and order of review.
- The OVPR will provide additional research development services, such as grant editing and proofreading, proposal review, large and complex grant support, and research funding consultation. Further information regarding these services and how to request them is available on the OVPR Research Development section of this website.
- The OVPR will continue to work with and incorporate feedback from faculty working groups. Upon recommendation of the University Senate, the President formed a sponsored projects working group to identify impediments to the expeditious review of sponsored project proposals in advance of deadlines. The group’s report is available on the University Senate website.
Development, review, and submission timeline:
Full Business Days Before Submission Deadline
>6 days: PI provides application components to local grants administrator (or Faculty Services)
5 days: Complete application (plus draft scientific components) and IPR submitted to SPS
5-2 days: SPS reviews proposal and provides feedback
2 days: Corrections made and all approvals in place
Noon day before deadline: Final proposal and PI authorization to submit to sponsor provided to SPS
1-0 days before deadline: Proposal submitted
SPS is responsible for ensuring that applications are compliant and that institutional and sponsor guidelines are met including administrative, management, and scientific information. Please contact Paul Hudobenko ( Health) or Mark Reeves ( and Regionals) with questions as we move to a consistent and sustainable process.
Thank you for your continued cooperation in our collaborative efforts to advance UConn’s mission through innovative research, scholarship, and creative pursuits.
Proposal Development, Review, and Submission Timeline
Full Business Days Before Submission Deadline
>6 days: PI provides application components to local grants administrator (or Faculty Services)
5 days: Complete application (plus draft scientific components) and IPR submitted to SPS
5-2 days: SPS reviews proposal and provides feedback
2 days: Corrections made and all approvals in place
Noon day before deadline: Final proposal and PI authorization to submit to sponsor provided to SPS
1-0 days before deadline: Proposal submitted
RDS Contacts
RDS Proposal Development Policies
- Policies – Prerequisites
- We consider investigators to be our partners in this process. Having access to thoughtful and complete responses to our requests for information enables us to provide the highest level of support possible.
- Incomplete requests will be returned to the PI. Requests that are resubmitted may not retain their original position in the service queue. Any questions regarding prerequisite documents may be sent to
- Policies – Project Timelines
- Our Service Descriptions give estimated timelines that are based on the minimum length of time required for completion of service after approval of your request. Some services may require additional meetings, background research or consultation efforts that can add to project timelines.
- Maintaining scheduled timelines is a joint effort between RDS and the investigators. We will make every effort to accommodate your schedule into our workflow. As part of our project onboarding process, we will agree on a timeline with the PI. Please be aware that we may need to curtail support if mutually agreed upon deadlines aren’t met.
- Requests submitted within 14 days of the proposal due date are unlikely to receive service.
- Policies- Sharing of funder reviews and comments
- Access to funder comments or reviews is helpful to our team to understand how we can enhance the competitiveness of submissions and improve our services. For this reason, researchers who submit proposals after receiving support from RDS are asked to provide follow-up information on the outcome of their proposal submission, including funder reviews or comments.
- Any funder data, reviews, or comments will be used ONLY by the RDS staff to assess our services and monitor the funding landscape. These documents will remain confidential and will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
Request Research Development Services
Request Process
All requests will be routed through the Proposal Development Request webform (NetID required for submissions). Requestors will receive a confirmation email after submitting the form. We will follow up with an email if more information is needed to evaluate the request. Please submit requests as early as possible.
Evaluation Process
Requests for support will be evaluated by the Research Development Services team on a regular basis. Investigators should expect to receive a response from RDS within 3-5 days. Due to limited resources, not all requests can be supported at this time. Factors such as RDS team capacity, other potential support resources, project scope and timeline, and strategic imperatives will be considered during evaluation. Hanover Research and other external partners/consultants will be used to extend the capacity of the RDS team as needed. RDS services are supported by the OVPR and are open to all UConn/UConn Health faculty free of charge.
Priority will be given to:
- Proposals that align with institutional, school/college, and OVPR priorities
- Large, complex, and multidisciplinary proposals
Questions? Please contact the RDS team at
Proposal Development Services Offered
Research Development Services (RDS): Proposal Development Services Overview
Data Security Guidance for Human Subjects Research
Federal regulations for human subjects research require Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to determine that adequate provisions to protect the privacy of subjects and the confidentiality of data are in place and that researchers include adequate provisions for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of subjects in their research plan. This page will help investigators plan for the collection, transmission, and storage of research data in a secure manner consistent with University policies and federal regulations. Methods for working with research data often evolve over time given rapid changes to technology. As a result, periodic updates will be made to this page. Researchers are encouraged to reference this page as information is often updated to reflect new technology and security parameters.
The Principal Investigator is responsible for all aspects of research, including the collection, transmission, storage, backup, and security of data and ensuring those listed as key personnel are informed and trained on the procedures related to data security. Research team meetings should include documentation of training and discussion about the safeguards in place to protect research data. This is particularly important should a breach occur or loss or theft of a device that stores identifiable data. These occurrences must be immediately communicated to the IRB, Information Technology Services (ITS), or UConn’s Privacy Office. To assist researchers with documenting these procedures and for the IRB to review and make appropriate determinations, the Data Security Assessment Form must be completed and submitted to the IRB whenever any human subjects research includes the access, use, collection, transfer, or storage of individual of individual level human data. Any changes regarding the use of technology in research must be submitted to the IRB (via an amendment to an approved protocol) for approval prior to implementation of the changes.
Questions related to the security or allowable use of software for the collection, transmission, and storage of research data can be directed to UConn’s Information Security Office
Anonymous Data: Records including tissue and samples that do not have a code assigned that would permit the data to be traced back to an individual. This includes any information that was recorded or collected without any of the 18 identifiers as defined by HIPAA. Note that IP addresses are considered by the University and some international standards to be identifiable even though the address is linked to the computer and not specifically to the individual.
Confidential data under UConn policy is data that is regulated by Federal or State laws including but not limited to Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Sensitive data include information related to alcohol or drug use, traumatic experiences, child/elder abuse, or illegal behavior, or where disclosure outside of the research study has the potential to place participants at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to their financial standing, employability, educational advancement, or reputation.
De-identified Data: Data that are stripped of all identifying information and there is no way the data could be linked back to an individual through a key or other coding method. Best practice when de-identifying data is to use the safe harbor method where all HIPAA identifiers are removed.
Coded Data: Data, including tissue and samples are coded when a link or key to the code exists, such as a number, letter, symbol, pseudonym, or any combination, that is linked to an individual participant’s identifiers. The code should not include information related to an individual, such as initials or date of birth.
Protected Health Information(PHI): Individually identifiable health information, held or maintained by a covered entity or its business associates acting for the covered entity, that is transmitted or maintained in any form or medium (including the individually identifiable health information of non-U.S. citizens). This includes identifiable demographic and other information relating to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual, or the provision or payment of health care to an individual that is created or received by a health care provider, health plan, employer, or health care clearinghouse. For purposes of the Privacy Rule, genetic information is considered to be health information.” UConn is designated as a Hybrid Entity under HIPAA. Under the Hybrid status, UConn’s Speech & Hearing Clinic is a covered Entity. Please contact UConn’s Privacy webpage for more information regarding HIPAA.
Private Information: includes information about behavior that occurs in a context in which an individual can reasonably expect that no observation or recording is taking place, and information that has been provided for specific purposes by an individual and that the individual can reasonably expect will not be made public (e.g., a medical record).
Identifiable Private Information: is private information for which the identity of the subject is or may readily be ascertained by the investigator or associated with the information. An identifiable biospecimen is a biospecimen for which the identity of the subject is or may readily be ascertained by the investigator or associated with the biospecimen.
Data Collection and Storage:
All University owned computers and laptops must have encryption enabled by default and must be used for all storage of UConn Confidential Data or identifiable participant data and comply with UConn’s Confidential Data Policy. Research data may be stored on UConn secure drives, such as P and R, or the use of university authorized cloud services, such as UConn Office 365 (e.g. OneDrive/SharePoint).
University devices must be used when research involves collection or storage of photographic images or voice recordings of research participants, and data protected under HIPAA and FERPA. At times, researchers purchase cell phones and other devices to be used by the research team. Personal devices, such as laptops, cell phones, or digital recorders that are owned by the researcher or member of the study team are not an acceptable method to collect identifiable or UConn Confidential data due to inherent risk of loss of confidentiality. If it is not possible to use a university device, the consent form must reference loss of confidentiality as a risk to research participants. Data should be held on personal devices only for the time necessary to be promptly moved to a secure university managed location. A personal device, such as a cell phone may be used for appointment reminders, as long as personal identifiers are not paired with other identifiable information. Personal laptops may be used for storing public data. All personal devices must be password protected. ITS recommends using university applications and sponsored software for identifiable data collection because there are secure controls in place to help minimize risk.
When using wearable devices, such as an activity trackers, a smartwatch, voice recording devices, location trackers, or other technology to collect research data, information must be included in the informed consent form that states participants will be required to download and agree to terms of service or other agreements applicable to the app if the participant is using their own device and not one provided to them by the researchers. If an app meets the regulatory definition of a mobile medical application as defined by the FDA, additional regulatory determinations may need to be made depending on its intended use.
Transmission of Research Data:
UConn does not recommend the transmission of identifiable datasets by email due to the inherent risk of compromise. When emailing data that do not contain any personal identifiers, include [encrypt] in the subject line of an email when sending from a university email account. If emails are compromised, this could place data at risk and result in loss of confidentiality for research participants. Identifiable data should be transmitted via a secure service, such as Office365, FileLocker, a secure website, or by using secure protocols, such as a File Transfer Protocol (FTPS). Filelocker is an encrypted web-based application that is used to provide short term secure storage and encrypted transport of files both across campus and anywhere with web access. The level of security should be appropriate to the risk.
Informed Consent:
Human subjects regulations allow researchers to obtain written consent in an electronic format. The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued guidance for obtaining informed consent electronically. Electronic informed consent (eIC) should be easy to navigate, allowing the user to proceed forward or backward within the system and stop and continue at a later time. If the consent process takes place remotely and is not personally witnessed by study personnel, the electronic system must include a method to ensure that the person electronically signing the informed consent is the subject who will be participating in the research or the subject’s legally authorized representative (LAR) (see 21 CFR 11.100 (b)). Examples may include verification of a state issued ID or other documents, use of personal questions, biometric or visual methods. At UConn, an example is the use of the NetID and password. However, minimal risk social behavioral research may not warrant such verification. FDA-regulated clinical investigations must comply with criteria under 21 CFR part 11. For this type of research, the electronic system must capture and record the date the subject or LAR provided consent and a copy of the informed consent must be provided to the person signing the form. Consent forms that include a hand-written signature may be returned via fax or postal mail.
For anonymous internet-based surveys or for research that the IRB grants a waiver of signed consent, include “I agree” or “I do not agree” check boxes on the information sheet or consent form for participants to click to indicate their active choice of whether or not they consent to participate. Please be sure to use the most updated forms found on the IRB’s Forms & Templates page. These forms are periodically updated and include other applicable required statements.
Web Conferencing for Collecting Research Data
The use of web conferencing to conduct research interviews and/or to collect research data has increased significantly. To comply with UConn ITS guidelines and policies, researchers should use UConn approved software or services when conducting these activities. This guidance has been developed in conjunction with Research Compliance Services (RCS) and UConn’s ITS Security to assist researchers in understanding what platforms may be appropriate.
The nature of the data dictates which platforms may be appropriate. For example, investigators who will collect identifiable sensitive data (e.g. personal health information, illegal behaviors, substance use, etc.) that could place research participants at risk if disclosed may use Microsoft Teams or WebEx to conduct remote research interviews. Investigators collecting research data that is not sensitive may also use Google Hangouts/Meet when conducting research interviews remotely. In all cases, researchers must ensure their data collection activities are properly secured against outside (non-invited) guests. Most platforms provide specific controls to help prevent inappropriate access; for example, please visit online instructions for WebEx. When using software that is not secured or sponsored by university ITS, the consent form must include loss of confidentiality and possibility of data mining as risks.
Other web-based software may be allowable on a case-by-case basis, but must first be cleared through ITS and/or Procurement. Some web conference software allows the researcher to record sessions, share screens, and automatically transcribe the recording. When recording sessions, researchers are asked to ensure that the recordings are stored in one of the following ways: on a University secure server, UConn’s version of Office 365, NetApp, or SharePoint.
Internet Based Research
Computer and Internet-based methods for collecting, storing, and transmitting data in research involving human participants are increasing in use and constantly evolving. As new methods are developed and used by researchers, they present new challenges to the protection of research participants. The IRB reviews computer and Internet-based research protocols using the same considerations and standards of approval of research under human subjects regulations and UConn policies.
Internet-based survey instruments should be formatted in a way that will allow participants to skip questions if they wish or provide a response such as “I choose not to answer.” If all of the questions in a survey require a response, then the Information Sheet or consent form must include a statement about this requirement. Also, at the end of the survey, there should be two buttons: one to allow participants to discard the data and the other to submit it for inclusion in the study.
Computer-and internet-based procedures for advertising and recruiting potential study participants (e.g., social media, internet advertising, e-mail solicitation, banner ads) must follow the IRB guidelines for recruitment that apply to any traditional media, such as newspapers and bulletin boards. All advertising and recruitment material must be reviewed and approved by the IRB prior to implementation.
Investigators are advised to review the University’s policy on Use of Official Email Lists prior to soliciting participants by email. If you plan on using LISTSERVs at UConn, please contact list moderators for individual list policies regarding solicitations for research.
Online Data Collection Software:
The UConn Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (OIRE) has obtained a license from Qualtrics as an on-line data collection tool. Qualtrics is available to all faculty members, students, and staff with a UConn Net ID and password.
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is also available to UConn researchers for a fee. REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online survey databases.The use of on-line survey software should be administered by a professionally trained person with knowledge in computer and internet security. Access to the data housed in the survey software must only be limited to key project personnel.
The informed consent form must include what individuals have access to the data (e.g., survey software panel personnel) and must state how data will be collected, transmitted stored. Both Qualtrics or REDCap may be configured to allow use of a mouse or finder to obtain a written signature.
For international research, investigators are cautioned that encryption standards vary from country to country and that there are legal restrictions regarding the export of certain encryption software outside US boundaries. Similarly, data privacy regulations vary between states. Investigators are responsible for understanding the data privacy laws where data collection occurs under their protocol.
Data Storage/Disposal:
If a server is used for data storage, personal identifying information should be kept separate from the data. It is recommended that competent data destruction services be used to ensure that no data can be recovered from obsolete electronic media. Researchers must adhere to the UConn Information Security Office’s Confidential Data Security Standard Policy, and Data Storage Guidelines. As a reminder, federal regulations require human subjects records be retained for at least 3 years after completion of the research.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Researchers working with children online are subject to COPPA in addition to human subjects regulations. Researchers are prohibited from collecting personal information from a child without posting notices about how the information will be used and without getting “verifiable parental consent”. For minimal risk research written permission may be obtained by paper, mail, or fax. If the research is more than minimal risk, parental permission should be obtained in a face-to-face meeting.
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
PPRA, 34 CFR Part 98, is a Federal law governed by the Department of Education that outlines 8 categories of protected information for survey responses and requires that parents be afforded the right to inspect surveys before they are given to students. The law requires schools to obtain written consent from parents before minor students are required to in any U.S. Department of Education funded survey, analyses, or evaluation collects information in the following areas: Political affiliations; mental and psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the student and his/her family; Sex behavior and attitudes; Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior; Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships; Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers; Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent*; or income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program.)
Source material for this policy guidance was provided by the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Georgia IRBs. The UConn IRB gratefully acknowledges this support as well as guidance from Chris Bernard, UConn’s Chief Information Security Officer.
Additional Resources:
UConn Security Policy Manual.pdf
Information Security Office Security Tips
Information Security Office Confidential Data Handling Suggestions
March 2021
UConn COVID-19 Research Seed Funding (COVID-RSF2) Program
UConn COVID-19 Rapid Start Funding (COVID-RSF) Program
Innovation Funding Opportunities
Below is a list of funding opportunities for research faculty and students in the areas of Agricultural Sciences, Animal Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Food Sciences, and opportunities for startups. If you would like to have an opportunity added to the below list, please contact
Agricultural Sciences
Program |
Deadline |
Description |
Bayer Partnering Opportunities | Admission Dates Vary | Bayer’s vision of #HealthForAll, #HungerForNone drives our need to strengthen innovation capabilities in all areas of agriculture. We know we can’t accomplish this alone, so we’re always interested to hear about novel, early-stage scientific innovations that can contribute to feeding the world without starving the planet. You have our commitment to take a look, match with our R&D priorities and provide you timely feedback. |
BASF | Admission Dates Vary | Join us in our efforts to innovate for a sustainable future: we welcome you to bring in your expertise to help with our ongoing challenges. Beyond that, we regularly offer opportunities for external collaboration in temporary campaigns. Additionally, in our open collaborations, you may find a perfect match with your profile. Take initiative and get in touch with us. |
Rolling Admissions | Nitrogen is a key requirement for crop growth and building healthy soil supports sustainable crop production. The aim of this project is to identify and validate microbiome health technologies which reduce the reliance on synthetic agrochemicals applied to and/or improve soil health in potato, oat, citrus and corn crops, whilst maintaining yield and quality. | |
Natural Systems for Reduction in Pesticides, Fungicides, and Fertilizers on Key Crops | Rolling Admissions | Mondelēz International seeks natural, safe means for increasing growth of key crops such as wheat and cocoa and/or to fight common insect pests and diseases such as fusarium head blight in wheat and Vascular Streak Dieback black pod, pink disease and witches´ broom in cocoa. |
Program |
Deadline |
Description |
AstraZeneca Preclinical Molecules | Rolling Admissions |
Identifying disease targets for active molecules is integral to modern drug discovery. AstraZeneca’s aim is to make high-quality life science research tools available to the external research community to accelerate innovative scientific research. These include antibodies, PROTAC molecules and oligonucleotides that have been developed as part of its drug discovery programs. By combining AstraZeneca’s resources with your insights, we can generate high-quality preclinical data that enhances the understanding of disease pathways and supports the future generation of life-changing medicines. |
Merck Business Development | Rolling Admissions | Open-ended way to connect with Merck’s Business Development team. Use this link to submit any non-confidential information for areas that do not fit neatly into the Merck Investigator Studies Program sections. |
AstraZeneca open innovations | Rolling Admissions | Multiple opportunities. Please refer to website for details. |
Rare Treatment Accelerator (RTA) | Rolling Admissions | The Rare Treatment Accelerator program connects academic groups, patient groups and early-stage biotechs with Healx to unlock the power of repurposed drugs for rare diseases. Working together, we can quickly turn your research, insights and promising repurposing assets into treatments that will benefit rare disease patients. |
Pfizer-Vaccines Areas of Interest | Rolling Admissions | Qualified researchers are invited to submit research proposals, according to the guidance and instructions found on A proposal requesting Pfizer support (e.g., funding and/or drug supply) is not a guarantee of acceptance or approval of that proposal. Decisions on support for submissions are made by the applicable Pfizer Global Reviewers. |
Pfizer- Inflammation and Immunology Areas of Interest | Rolling Admissions | Qualified researchers are invited to submit research proposals, according to the guidance and instructions found on A proposal requesting Pfizer support (e.g., funding and/or drug supply) is not a guarantee of acceptance or approval of that proposal. Decisions on support for submissions are made by the applicable Pfizer Global Reviewers. |
Pfizer- Rare Disease Areas of Interest | Rolling Admissions | Qualified researchers are invited to submit research proposals, according to the guidance and instructions found on A proposal requesting Pfizer support (e.g., funding and/or drug supply) is not a guarantee of acceptance or approval of that proposal. Decisions on support for submissions are made by the applicable Pfizer Global Reviewers. |
Pfizer- Internal Medicine Areas of Interest | Rolling Admissions | Qualified researchers are invited to submit research proposals, according to the guidance and instructions found on A proposal requesting Pfizer support (e.g., funding and/or drug supply) is not a guarantee of acceptance or approval of that proposal. Decisions on support for submissions are made by the applicable Pfizer Global Reviewers. |
Physical Sciences
Program | Deadline | Description |
IN-PART Global Challenge Campaign | Rolling Admissions | The research or technology could be anything that provides a positive step forwards for sustainability within plastics, polymers and polymers in liquid formulations (PLFs), by using raw materials that are renewable or sustainable, processes that minimize environmental impacts, and alternatives to plastics that are biodegradable or recyclable. |
Halo Science-Expanded temperature ranges for adhesives | Rolling Admissions | The sponsor is seeking novel approaches to expand the temperature range of these commercial adhesives to temperatures below 4 C°. Potential solutions from adjacent industries are of significant interest, including novel materials, innovations in manufacturing processes and engineering solutions. Possible partnerships include contract research, providing grant monies, or other forms of investment.
Solutions of interest include: Materials substitution, multifunctional materials, engineered products, or novel material structures |
BASF | Admission Dates Vary | Join us in our efforts to innovate for a sustainable future: we welcome you to bring in your expertise to help with our ongoing challenges. Beyond that, we regularly offer opportunities for external collaboration in temporary campaigns. Additionally, in our open collaborations, you may find a perfect match with your profile. Take initiative and get in touch with us. |
Shell | N/A | See website for more details. |
Undergraduate Participation in On-Campus Summer 2020 Lab/Field Research
The Office of Undergraduate Research and the Office of the Vice President for Research have release guidance on undergraduate participation in on-campus lab/field research during the summer.
Process to request Undergraduate Student participation in research:
- The Undergraduate Student should complete and submit the Undergraduate Student Research Request Form. Once submitted, this will be emailed automatically to both the Office of Undergraduate Research and OVPR.
- The faculty member wanting to add one or more undergraduate students to an approved safety plan should complete and submit the Request to Include Undergraduate Students Form.
- Once BOTH forms are received, the OVPR will respond with an Approval to both the student and faculty member.
- For questions or concerns contact the OVPR at or Office of Undergraduate Research at
For more information on safely conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic, visit the OVPR’s COVID-19 Resource page.
Guidance on Undergraduate Student Participation in Research
Process to request summer Undergraduate Student participation in research. Undergrads will need to be trained on the approved safety plan and have their training documented. The OVPR and Provost’s office will communicate the needed steps for participation in research during the fall semester once the process has been finalized.
- The Undergraduate Student should complete and submit the Undergraduate Student Research Request Form. Once submitted, this will be emailed automatically to both the Office of Undergraduate Research and OVPR.
- The faculty member wanting to add one or more undergraduate students to an approved safety plan should complete and submit the Request to Include Undergraduate Students Form.
- Once BOTH forms are received, the OVPR will respond with an Approval to both the student and faculty member.
- For questions or concerns contact the OVPR at or Office of Undergraduate Research at
For information about Undergraduate research during the Fall 2020 semester, visit the Office of Undergraduate Research’s website.
Guidance for Reopening Research Involving Human Subjects
This document details the minimum safety procedures that must be in place in order for UConn and UConn Health investigators to be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) to reopen or initiate new human subjects research. Principal investigators (PIs) must tailor their safety plans to meet the needs of each individual research situation. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is available to answer safety related questions from PIs. If you have safety related questions, please email if your human subject research activities are conducted at the Storrs or regional campuses or call (860) 679-2723 if these activities are taking place at UConn Health.
Guiding principles:
- Careful planning is required to reduce opportunities for exposure.
- No individual project involving human subject research activities may be re-started without prior approval from the OVPR.
- Plan for and operate under the assumption that everyone is an asymptomatic virus carrier.
- Physical distancing is critical. The recommended minimum distance between individuals is six feet.
- The smallest number of study personnel possible should conduct approved research until UConn returns to normal operations. This may require the development of cohorts and non-overlapping shifts when scheduling.
- Research or components of studies that can be conducted without face-to-face interactions or interventions should continue to be conducted remotely.
- Guidelines will be continually updated as more information about COVID-19 becomes available. Updated guidance will be posted on the OVPR website and communicated to UConn/UConn Health faculty and staff. PIs are responsible for staying informed about changes that will impact human subjects research.
- If there is a second surge of infection, it may be necessary for research to be ramped down again. During safety planning, consider which studies can be easily halted or delayed. PIs should develop a continuity plan for another potential research ramp-down.
- Special attention must be paid to risks posed to more vulnerable research subjects (e.g., immunocompromised subjects, older adults with multiple chronic diseases) when evaluating the risks/benefits of subject visits to UConn research facilities.
- If the facility where the research is being conducted has specific requirements or policies related to COVID-19, then the more restrictive of those or the policies described in this guidance must be followed.
Specific recommendations:
All participants must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure. Ideally, participants will be screened prior to entering the research facility (e.g. phone, email, or web-based assessment on the day of the visit) or otherwise being engaged with study interactions or interventions.
Screening Questions
- Have you or someone you live with been tested for or diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last four weeks?
- Are you experiencing any of the following?
- Fever (100.4 or higher)
- Chills
- New or worsening shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- New or worsening cough
- Muscle or body aches
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- New loss of smell or taste
If, such as is currently the case at UConn Health, all individuals entering the facility or building will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure, then additional screening would not be necessary. If a participant screens positive, then their appointment must be cancelled or rescheduled and the individual should be encouraged to contact their primary care physician and/or the UConn Health COVID Call Center at (860) 679-7560. Temperature screening is not required, but PIs may choose to adopt this measure if it is consistent with campus/building recommendations.
Facial Covering/PPE Requirements
- A cloth facial covering or procedure mask must be worn by study personnel and by participants during face-to-face interactions and interventions when:
- The participant responds NO to COVID-19 Screening AND
- The participant is located in or from an area or facility with no or only isolated cases AND
- The interventions are not aerosol generation procedures AND
- At least six feet of physical distancing will be maintained at all times
Participants and study personnel may wear their own facial coverings. If participants do not provide their own coverings or if their covering fails to cover their nose and mouth, participants must be provided with a procedural mask. Similarly, procedural masks must be available for study personnel. Furthermore, study personnel must keep facial coverings in place regardless of whether participants are present. The use of physical barriers, such as plexiglass, should be considered as additional measures.
- Study personnel must wear a procedure mask and face shield during face-to-face interactions and interventions with participants when:
- The participant responds NO to COVID-19 Screening AND
- The participant is located in or from an area or facility with no or only isolated cases AND
- The interventions are not aerosol generation procedures AND
- At least six feet of physical distancing will NOT be maintained at all times
Participants must continue to wear their own facial coverings or a procedure mask to the fullest extent possible. Participants should remove their mask only briefly (few minutes) if needed for study procedures. If participants do not provide their own covering or if their covering fails to cover their nose and mouth, participants must be provided with a procedural mask. Similarly, procedural masks must be available for study personnel. Furthermore, study personnel must keep facial coverings in place regardless of whether participants are present.
- Study personnel must wear an N95, procedure mask, face shield, and gown during face-to-face interactions and interventions with participants when:
- The participant is known or suspected to have COVID-19 OR
- The participant is located in or from an area or facility with known or a high likelihood of cases and/or transmission OR
- Study procedures will not allow the participant to wear a mask or face covering for an extended period of time OR
- The interventions are aerosol generation procedures
If N95 masks are required, study personnel are required to complete EHS training and certification in order to gain approval for N95 mask usage as outlined in EHS’ Respirator Program Policies, Programs, and Procedures. Medical clearance is also required for study personnel who will be wearing N95 masks. For student personnel, this clearance can be obtained through UConn’s Student Health and Wellness; for other research staff, clearance can be obtained through an Occupational Medicine provider (Storrs and Regional Campus researchers can contact CorpCare in South Windsor). Please contact EHS with any questions pertaining to N95 mask usage.
Relevant Resources
- UConn Health PPE Guidance
- EHS’ Respirator Program Policies, Programs, and Procedures
- Respirator (N95 mask) program procedure for students
- Research procedure areas, data collection areas, and equipment must be carefully cleaned and disinfected prior to and following use by participants or study personnel. This will include a regular wipe down of shared research equipment and spaces (e.g., desktops) after each participant visit plus a wipe down of shared research equipment and spaces at the end of the day. If participants wish to also wipe down apparatus, they must be provided with disinfectant wipes and encouraged to wear gloves when using them. Please note that any cleaning done by participants does not substitute for the required cleaning by study personnel. If participants are using keyboards, study personnel should put a smooth covering over them. Participants using a shared piece of equipment should also be offered hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol and gloves for optional use during the visit. Participants who choose to wear gloves should be provided with instructions on how to remove and dispose of gloves safely. Hand sanitizer should be available to participants throughout their study visit.
Relevant Resources
- EHS information sheet on glove removal and disposal
- CDC poster on glove removal
To allow for cleaning and ventilation, avoid scheduling immediate and consecutive participant visits to research spaces. If more than one clinic or procedural space is available, use a staggered schedule to alternate visits among rooms. Windows should be open when possible to aid in ventilation.
Other Considerations
If study personnel are visiting off-campus, non-UConn affiliated facilities (e.g., schools/camps, clinics, etc.), PIs must adhere to the rules for the site. In all cases, the more stringent of the UConn or site guidelines must be followed. Recommendations for study personnel and participants regarding the wearing of facial coverings/masks, maintaining physical distancing whenever possible, and frequent handwashing must always be followed. Research visits to study participants homes should only be conducted if they can be “contactless,” such as deliveries and pickups of samples. Research visits to long-term care facilities and nursing homes must be conducted in accord with state DPH guidelines.
UConn Storrs/Regional Campus PIs should contact EHS at with specific questions about research spaces; UConn Health investigators should contact (860) 679-2723.
CDC Infection Control Guidance for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19)