- Issuance, Review and Execution of the Project Agreement: Because UConn Storrs and UCH are separate fiscal entities, a project agreement needs to be executed before funds can be transferred between the two campuses. After the lead organization has received its award, a subaward agreement is prepared by the lead institution: Sponsored Program Services (UConn Storrs) or the Procurement Office (UCH Farmington). This agreement is emailed to the subawardee’s sponsored programs office for review and execution.
Note: Subaward agreements must be signed by authorized signatories of both parties. PIs are not authorized to sign. - Award/Fund Setup: Separate project accounts are set up at the lead and subawardee’s campuses. Prior to account set-up, all compliance-related approvals should have been obtained, e.g., Institutional Review Board IRB)/Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO)/Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)/Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).
- Invoicing: Before invoices can be paid, they must be approved by the lead campus’s principal investigator.
- Amendments: Competitive project periods often span multiple budget years. If the sponsoring agency awards funds on a budget year basis, issuance and execution of amendments will be necessary to next year’s funding after it has been released to the lead organization by the sponsor.
- Carryover of Funding and No-Cost Extensions: Carryover of funds and no-cost extensions (NCE) are not authorized without the lead awardee’s written approval. If needed, at least sixty (60) days prior to the end date of the current budget period the PI(s) should seek approval for any carryover or NCE requests.
- Award Closeout: So that awards may be closed out in accordance with sponsor requirements, final invoices will normally be required no later than 45 days following the termination date of the award project period.
For assistance with cross-campus subawards:
- At UConn Storrs, contact subawards@uconn.edu
- At UConn Health, contact Wendy Walsh at wewalsh@uchc.edu