
Guidance for Reopening Research Involving Human Subjects

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has developed new guidance related to resuming human subjects research. The guidance outlines the minimum safety procedures that must be in place in order for UConn and UConn Health investigators to be approved by the OVPR to reopen or initiate new human subjects research. Principal investigators (PIs) must tailor their safety plans to meet the needs of each individual research situation.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is available to answer safety related questions from PIs. If you have safety related questions, please email ehs@uconn.edu if your human subject research activities are conducted at the Storrs or regional campuses or call (860) 679-2723 if these activities are taking place at UConn Health.

For more information, visit the OVPR’s COVID-19 Resource page.

Guidance on the Preparation of NIH Research Performance Progress Report (RPPRs) and COVID-19 Impacts

The NIH has issued guidance regarding the preparation of Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) and the reporting of effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on research projects.

If an investigator is unable to complete a scheduled RPPR by the due date, a notice should be sent to the Grants Management Specialist and the Program Official to let them know that the report will be late and that research outcomes are not available at that time, as well as an outline of when the investigator will be able to include details related to the disruptions to the research efforts. This notification should be completed as soon as possible and should be developed and coordinated with Sponsored Program Services (SPS).  Please be aware that the continuation grant award will be delayed and will not be issued until the RPPR has been received and accepted by the NIH.

RPPRs that were affected by COVID-19 should include an explanation on the effect that COVID-19 has had on the project, the steps that have been taken to mitigate the disruption, and plans to address these in the coming award period. If certain research outcomes are not available at the time that the RPPR is submitted, those should be outlined and a timeline should be provided as to when they will be addressed.

Sponsored Program Services is here to assist you with this process and to answer any questions that you may have related to RPPR preparation and submission. Please contact Paul Hudobenko or your Project Officer at UConn Health or your Pre-Award Grant Specialist at Storrs and the regional campuses as early as possible if you have any questions regarding the preparation and submission of RPPRs.   See NOT-OD-20-086 for additional details on late submission.

Lab Preparedness Guide & Guidance on Submitting NIH RPPRs

The OVPR’s COVID-19 Resource page has been updated with new guidance on several aspects of ramping up research activity prior to May 20, 2020, including:

UConn Research Lab Ramp-Up Preparedness Guide

The OVPR and Environmental Health and Safety have developed a guide to help researchers safely prepare labs to ramp up research activity after May 20, 2020.

Guidance on the Preparation of NIH Research Performance Progress Report (RPPRs) and COVID-19 Impacts

Sponsored Program Services has created guidance for investigators related to submission of NIH Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) during the suspension of research due to COVID-19.

Contact ovpr@uconn.edu with questions.

Guidance on Animal Rebreeding in the Vivarium and New Animal Orders

Version 1, May 5, 2020

To prepare to resume research on May 20, 2020, researchers will be allowed to begin some rebreeding activities and animal orders.

Effective immediately:

  • Researchers and research staff may work from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
  • The availability and access to procedure rooms is as usual.
  • No more than a total of two people are allowed in a room at a time. Research groups must coordinate room access among themselves to maintain this density.
  • All individuals must have been previously trained and given access to the vivarium. New individuals without previous access or training are not allowed. Individuals do not need to have been previously listed on a Critical Research Infrastructure request form.
  • Everyone must wear a cloth face covering or the mask provided by vivarium at all times.
  • The Facility Manager for the UConn vivarium or Center for Comparative Medicine staff for the UConn Health vivarium must be contacted a day in advance if assistance will be needed, such as needing large numbers of new cage set-ups for breeding, drug orders, veterinary staff help, or other needs.
  • An amendment should be submitted as soon as possible to the IACUC if the animal number on the approved protocol needs to be increased.
  • Research employees who are not feeling well and experiencing any symptoms of illness should remain at home, not report to work, and immediately contact their manager or supervisor. For more information see Guidance on Research Employees Returning to Work.

Orders for new animals can resume Monday, May 11, 2020.

Guidance on Expanding Cell Lines, Propagating Plants, and Initiating Rebreeding of Non-Vivarium Housed Animals/Insects

Version 1, May 5, 2020

To prepare to resume research on May 20, 2020, researchers will be allowed to begin some other activities, such as expanding cell lines, propagating plants, and rebreeding of non-vivarium houses animals/insects.

Effective Immediately:

  • Researchers and research staff may work from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM, with a limit of no more than four hours per day.
  • No more than two people are allowed in a room/area at a time. Each Research Group must self-coordinate room/area access. For large areas such as large shared labs or research spaces, the greenhouses and fields, personnel density may be more than two, but must ensure at least six feet distancing in all directions for all individuals.
  • Only individuals who have been previously approved on a Critical Research Infrastructure request form are allowed. CRI requests should be amended as needed.
  • Everyone must wear a cloth face covering at all times unless doing so would pose a risk to an individual’s health or safety because of a medical condition.
  • People must come in, do what is necessary, and then leave. No “hanging out,” initiating research activities or experiments, doing other tasks, etc. is allowed.
  • Each researcher is responsible for cleaning/disinfecting all areas where they have worked upon completion.
  • Suspension of research ramp-up may occur at any time depending on circumstances and state guidelines. This could require an immediate discontinuation of all work. All researchers must bear this in mind when considering which research reagents to re-initiate.
  • Research employees who are not feeling well and experiencing any symptoms of illness should remain at home, not report to work, and contact their manager or supervisor. For more information see Guidance on Research Employees Returning to Work.


Guidance on Research Employees Returning to Work

Version 1, May 5, 2020

If you are a research employee who is returning to work and you are not feeling well and/or are experiencing any symptoms of illness, please remain at home, do not report to work, and contact your manager immediately.

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., fever, dry cough, body aches, loss of smell or taste, headache), you may wish to contact your personal physician or you should immediately call the UConn Health COVID-19 Call Center at 860-679-3199 for further guidance and then contact your manager. If you are experiencing symptoms, you should not report to work unless cleared by a physician to do so and you may be asked to wait until at least one week or longer has passed since the onset of symptoms, symptoms have improved, and you have been free of fever without any fever-reducing medications for at least 72 hours.  

If you have been exposed outside of work to a COVID-19 symptomatic or positive individual, you should call the UConn Health COVID-19 Call Center at 860-679-3199 for further guidance and also contact your manager. If you have been exposed for a prolonged period of time to a co-worker who is positive for COVID-19 and it is known to the University, you will be contacted by your manager. You may be instructed, depending on the date of last known contact or length and circumstances of the contact, to self-isolate and self-monitor for a recommended period of time up to 14 calendar days from the date of exposure. If you are determined to be at low risk, you may be instructed to self-monitor and can report to work as normal. 

If you were not in prolonged close contact and are considered to be an individual who is at low risk for exposure, you may be eligible to continue working. A close contact is defined as an individual who has been within six feet for a prolonged period of time (i.e., for longer than 15 minutes) or has had direct contact with the infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (for example, being coughed on while not wearing any PPE). Close contact does not include a brief or passing interaction with an individual.

If you have any questions and work at UConn Health, please contact HR-EmployeeResources@uchc.edu. If you work at Storrs or any one of the regional campuses, please contact hr@uconn.edu.


Message from the Office of the Vice President for Research – COVID-19 Update

Consistent with Governor Lamont’s April 30th Update on Connecticut’s Coronavirus Response Efforts, the OVPR is targeting a phased reopening of UConn and UConn Health research programs to begin on May 20, 2020 (Phase 2 in the posted Ramp-Up: Phased Process for Reopening Research at UConn and UConn Health). This document provides guiding principles and processes for a phased approach to reopening research at UConn and UConn Health while addressing state and federal directives and guidelines related to COVID-19. Instituting a similar process will be established for the Arts and Humanities that reflects the specific needs and concerns of scholarly activity in those areas.

Important Documents



  • The health and safety of faculty, staff, students, patients, the public, and human research subjects will be protected.
    • Directives and guidance from local, state, and federal authorities to minimize disease spread and exposure will be followed, such as restrictions related to essential businesses, social distancing, reduced density, stay-at-home, and masks.
    • Faculty, staff, and students are not required to work in either on-campus research or in field research while stay-at-home directives are in effect, or in a manner contrary to current and applicable directives and guidance from local, state, and federal authorities. Faculty, staff, and students may choose to work either on campus or in field research while stay-at-home directives are in effect, but their choice to do so must be made voluntarily and without undue influence or coercion. Any request to work on campus or in field research can be declined at any time without any fear of retaliation or retribution while work-from-home directives are in place. Any concerns can be reported anonymously through the REPORTLINE by calling a toll-free number at (888) 685-2637, the Office of University Compliance’s website, or the Ombuds Office. The University welcomes and encourages good-faith reporting. As such, individuals who submit a report or participate in a compliance investigation in good faith are provided protection from retaliation per the University’s Non-Retaliation Policy.
    • On-campus or field research can proceed only to the extent it can be done safely and in compliance with regulatory requirements and University policies. Safety must be rigorously maintained. All University policies and requirements, as well as all local, state, and federal regulatory requirements remain in place and must be followed, unless there is written guidance or documentation that they have been modified or suspended.
    • Research involving human subjects can proceed only to the extent it can be done safely and in a manner that protects the health of the subjects, researchers, and research staff. Human subjects research must follow current applicable directives and guidance from local, state, and federal authorities to minimize disease spread and exposure. All University policies and requirements, as well as all local, state and federal regulatory requirements remain in place and must be followed, unless there is written guidance or documentation that they have been modified or suspended.
    • Undergraduate students will not be involved or allowed to participate in on-campus or field research activities until the University opens and these students are allowed to return to campus.
    • Principal Investigators (PIs) remain responsible for providing direction and oversight of their projects, labs, and/or research sites, and personnel including graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and staff.
  • Researchers must maintain plans and be prepared to halt all activities on short notice if this becomes necessary.
  • The ramp up of research will be through a transparent and phased process.
    • A publically available working document outlining the phased approach will be maintained and serve as guidance for the ramp up process.
  • Two groups have been established by the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VPRIE) to provide guidance and oversight for the process:
    • The Critical Infrastructure Workgroup comprised of five associate research deans. This group reviews and approves projects, and also provides expert guidance on research needs.
    • Research Ramp up Advisory Group. This group is comprised of senior representatives from various areas, providing a broad range of infrastructure expertise, such as Environmental Health and Safety, Public Safety, Facilities, the Graduate School, Office of the Provost, Core Facilities Directors, Human Resources, and others. This group provides guidance on the support infrastructure that is required to allow research to move forward.

Phased Ramp Up

Phase 0: Maintain Critical Research Infrastructure (March 13, 2020 – Present)

This includes unique reagents, unique cell lines, equipment, liquid nitrogen stocks, and certain long-term experiments where data integrity would be compromised by halting or stopping the projects. The process for review and approval of these projects using the Critical Research Infrastructure Inventory (CRI) form has been in place since March 23rd. This process is also in place to approve the initiation of new projects directly related to COVID-19. Researchers should continue to use this process for applicable projects.

Pilot/Limited Research Activity Approval

The Critical Research Infrastructure process is being expanded to allow immediate time-limited access to on-campus research labs in order to generate targeted research to support impending grant deadlines and contract resubmissions, competitive renewals, response to manuscript or other reviewer comments and other similar needs.

This is not a ramping up or reopening of the labs and research areas to resume usual research. The process for the Phased reopening of research after May 20th is under development.

Project Criteria for Pilot/Limited Research Activity Approval:
  • Work can be conducted with a limited number of individuals in the lab at any one time
  • All work can be fully completed within two to four weeks
  • The work is necessary to produce data in support of an application due within the next 45 days
Submission Process:

Questions should be sent to ovpr@uconn.edu

Phase 1: Prepare to Resume Research (Present – May 19, 2020)

  • Activities conducted by a limited number of people, with time limited access to minimize personnel density
  • Develop and require training on COVID-19 related to University, state, and federal guidelines, directives, and requirements
  • Begin re-breeding, expansion of cell lines, plant propagation, etc.
  • Limited, reopening of work areas and labs to assess readiness and needs to restart, check, and restart equipment, and identify needed supplies
  • Allow reordering of supplies, materials, animals, chemicals, biologicals, etc. needed to restart projects
  • Coordinate with other units such as facilities, purchasing, and finance to identify and address cross unit impact of ramp up
  • Re-open core research facilities

Related Guidance

Phase 2: Limited Reopening (Begins May 20, 2020)

  • Personnel density increased in a manner that is consistent with federal and state guidelines and directives
  • Requests for Phase 2 projects are submitted using the Resuming Research Activity form (currently only available for Phase 1) and include a COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Identify projects halted or stopped as part of ramp-down not involving chemical or radiological hazards and prioritize for phased restart
    • Prioritization of groups such as graduate students and postdocs close to completing their degree/term of appointment; grants within three months of their end dates and where the funding agency has not provided flexibility in no cost extensions.
  • Restart field studies depending on conditions/requirements/restrictions at field sites, such as travel restrictions, stay-at-home directives, and density and social distancing requirements
  • Humanities, arts, and social science research that requires access to single occupancy spaces (e.g., office, private studio)
  • Restart human research projects involving direct subject interactions and interventions conducted at UConn Health or University facilities that were halted or stopped as part of ramp-down

Phase 3: Expanded Reopening (To be determined)

  • Personnel density increased in a manner that is consistent with federal and state guidelines and directives
  • Requests for Phase 3 Projects are submitted using the Resuming Research Activity form (currently only available for Phase 1) and include a COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Identify projects halted or stopped as part of ramp-down involving chemical or radiological hazards and prioritize for phased restart
  • Restart human research projects involving direct subject interactions and interventions conducted off campus that were halted or stopped as part of ramp-down
  • Restart humanities, social science, and arts research/scholarship involving direct interpersonal interactions or engagement

Phase 4: Transition to Research as Usual (To be determined)

  • Begin initiation of new projects
  • Project submissions no longer required to use the CRI process
  • Open all research facilities

Associate VP, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that, after a national search, Dr. Abhijit (Jit) Banerjee will join UConn’s Office of the Vice President for Research as Associate Vice President, Innovation and Entrepreneurship on May 22, 2020.

Prior to joining the UConn team, Dr. Banerjee served as Senior Director of Business Development at the Office of Technology Transfer & Business Development at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), where he oversaw a team of business development professionals. During his tenure at OHSU, Dr. Banerjee led several major commercialization initiatives, including implementing strategies for academic-industry partnerships and long-term growth, guiding startup formation and life cycle management of new companies, and building a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem to encourage the translation of research to the market. He also has extensive experience supporting university spinoff companies, specifically in the life sciences, healthcare, and digital health sectors. Dr. Banerjee holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology at the University of Calcutta and an MBA from Suffolk University.

In this newly created role, Dr. Banerjee will be responsible for all aspects of the University’s technology commercialization activities, including patenting, licensing, venture development, and UConn’s business incubator, the Technology Incubation Program (TIP). Reporting to the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Banerjee will support UConn’s continued growth as an economic driver for the state of Connecticut by helping to set an agenda that defines the University’s program in technology commercialization. I believe that Jit is a leader who is not afraid to take risks, has a clear purpose, and a high level of enthusiasm. He will work with a team to get the most out of the university and stay abreast of an ever-changing world.

I would also like to thank the search committee for their time in this comprehensive national search.





Dr. Radenka Maric

Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
UConn/UConn Health
Professor in Sustainable Energy
438 Whitney Road Ext., Unit 1006
Storrs, CT 06269
Storrs: 860.486.3621
UCH: 860.679.2230

Informational Session/Q&A on Research at UConn During & After the Pandemic

SAVE THE DATE: The Office of the Vice President for Research will join President Thomas Katsouleas in hosting a virtual informational session for UConn & UConn Health researchers on Monday, April 20 from 11:00am to 12:30pm. The purpose of the session is to update the UConn research community on critical information related to research on campus during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as answer questions from UConn faculty and staff. A number of questions have already been submitted via the University Senate. If you would like to pose a question regarding our research activities or share a comment, please send it to ovpr@uconn.edu before Monday, April 20.

While the world is still in the midst of the ongoing crisis, there are a great many unknowns when it comes to research and our other operations, but participants will endeavor to answer every question they are able to and discuss what is known with respect to research as of April 20.

A communication with a web address on how to watch and participate in the town hall will be sent later this week.

OVPR Internal Funding Announcement

Dear Colleagues,


I hope this message finds you well, as we have all been facing many challenges related to the COVID-19 epidemic over the last several weeks. While our focus has been on rapidly shifting to new methods for teaching and conducting research, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to announce that decisions for several of our internal funding programs have been finalized. These programs support a variety of high impact research, scholarship, and artistic pursuits across UConn and UConn Health’s departments. The OVPR is thrilled to support these diverse projects, which will lead to additional extramural funding and increase the reputation of UConn amongst peers. Funding for the following recipients will be made available now for projects that can be conducted remotely, and will be on hold for other recipients until the University resumes normal operations after the COVID-19 pandemic. Decisions regarding other internal funding programs including the Research Excellence Program (REP) and Scholarship and Collaboration in Humanities and Arts Research (SCHARP) are expected to be announced in May.


Please join me in congratulating winners for the following funding programs and visit the OVPR’s Internal Funding website to learn more about these programs:


Convergence Awards for Research in Interdisciplinary Centers (CARIC)

CARIC is an initiative of the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) that provides support of up to $150,000 for the development of collaborative interdisciplinary teams to bid for major (>$5M) federally funded initiatives, such as research centers. CARIC provides funding for planning, outreach to strategic partners, and proof-of-concept research activities that will prepare the team to bid competitively for these prestigious federal awards.


Puxian Gao, Material Science and Engineering
Mapping Catalytic Energy Transformations: Convergence of Nanoarray Catalysis, In Situ Microscopy, and Data Science


Jeffrey Hoch, Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Biomolecular Digital Commons


Cato Laurencin, Connecticut Convergence Institute
Convergence Center for Regenerative Engineering- A Science and Technology Center


Mark Urban, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
241: Reintegrating Biology & Harnessing the Data Revolution to Predict and Prevent Global Ecosystem Change



Microbiome Seed Fund Recipients
Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $50,000 to UConn faculty to support innovative and collaborative research projects that will lead to new proposals for extramural funding in microbiome research.


Jonathan Klassen, Molecular and Cell Biology
Metal-Binding Antimicrobial Peptide Mediation of a Fungus-Growing Ant Symbiosis

Co-PIs: Alfredo Angeles-Boza


Mark Peczuh, Chemistry
Characterizing the Role of Siderophores in the Euprymna Scolopes – Vibrio Fischeri Symbiosis
Co-PIs: Spencer Nyholm


J Evan Ward, Marine Sciences
The Effect of a Common Anthropogenic Pollutant on the Microbiome of an Ecologically and Commercially Important Bivalve
Co-PIs: Penny Vlahos, Lisa Nigro


Wing Ki Mok, Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Friend or Foe? Impact of Chronic Infection Microbiome Constituents on Persistence of Staphylococcus Aureus toward Antifolate Antibiotics
Co-PIs: Dennis Wright, Maria Rocha Granados, Debjani Si


Spring 2020 Scholarship Facilitation Fund Program

Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $2,000 to UConn faculty across all disciplines, on a competitive basis, to foster, support, and enhance research, scholarship, and creative endeavors. (Please visit the site for the full list of recipients.)


START Preliminary Proof-of-Concept Q1-3

Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $10,000 to Central Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, University of Bridgeport, and UConn faculty to foster and bolster the initial validation of innovative early stage technologies that have possible commercial potential. The program is designed to bring these promising technologies to a stage that may be more attractive for additional later stage translational funding support. (Please visit the site for the full list of recipients.)




Office of the Vice President for Research – COVID-19 Update

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that this message finds you well, safely at home with family and seeing friends and loved ones virtually. The last several weeks have been challenging, disruptive, and anxiety inducing, but I have been so encouraged by seeing the UConn community band together to support our students, faculty, staff, and citizens of our state. We have all had to adjust to this new normal, while ensuring that the safety and health of our research workforce, students, faculty, staff, and animals remain our highest priority. While the timeline for resuming research remains unclear due to the ever-changing COVID-19 situation, our office is working closely with University leadership to ensure a process is in place to transition back to normal research operations and we will be providing regular updates to the University community. We also encourage you to check for updates on the OVPR’s COVID-19 Resource page where you will find additional information, guidance, and FAQs related to research. For general guidance and updates, visit the Coronavirus information pages for UConn and UConn Health.


Office of Management and Budget, OMB M-20-17 Memorandum Issued March 19, 2020

Earlier this week at the Council of Deans meeting, I shared that the OVPR has been working with other university offices to fully take advantage of flexibilities provided by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to federal agencies in their memorandum OMB M-20-17 Administrative Relief for Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly impacted by COVID 19 due to Loss of Operation. The OMB memorandum authorizes agencies to take certain actions to provide flexibility for recipients directly impacted by COVID-19. Over the weeks following the issuance of the memo, I am pleased to share that most federal agencies have adopted the flexibilities provided for by the OMB for grants. These flexibilities include applicant deadlines, no-cost extensions, allowability of salaries and other project costs, and certain waivers of prior approvals and extension of close-outs. You may find individual sponsor updates on the OVPR website and guidance is also provided in the OVPR FAQs. Of course, you may always reach out to staff in Sponsored Program Services with any questions and we recommend you also sign up for alerts directly from the sponsors from whom you have funding.

According to the memo, the exceptions are time-limited and will be reassessed by OMB within 90 days of the memo. We do not have an estimate of when to expect a “return to normal,” hence we do not know when federal agencies will end the flexibilities adopted under the OMB memo. Although, we think they will listen to the research community and try to understand whether the circumstances still warrant exceptions.


Critical Research Infrastructure Inventory

To ensure the long-term viability of many research programs during the shutdown, the OVPR quickly assembled a cross-campus team to assess critical research infrastructure, as submitted by faculty. Critical research infrastructure includes unique reagents, unique cell lines, equipment, liquid nitrogen stocks, COVID-19 targeted research, and certain long-term experiments. This was a complex and very time-sensitive endeavor, which is still ongoing as needs evolve. The OVPR would like to express our sincere thanks to the review committee members who met virtually several times a day to evaluate these requests in order to ensure proper maintenance of the research infrastructure and the safety of research teams. Please join me in thanking them.

  • Lisa Park-Boush, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs, Professor and Department Head
  • Rajesh Lalla, School of Dental Medicine, Associate Dean for Research, Professor
  • Leslie Shor, School of Engineering, Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education, Associate Professor
  • Anthony Vella, School of Medicine, Senior Associate Dean for Research Planning and Development, Professor and Chair
  • Kumar Venkitanarayanan, College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Professor


If you still need to submit critical research infrastructure inventory for review or amend an approved form, complete the Critical Research Infrastructure Inventory form.


Animal Care at UConn and UConn Health

UConn’s dedication to exemplary animal care services has never wavered, even during these challenging times. Animal care staff at both Storrs and UConn Health in Farmington had extensive plans in place well ahead of this crisis, allowing them to continue to support researchers as they ramped down their projects. The operations of Animal Care Services at Storrs and the Center for Comparative Medicine at UConn Health are running as normal, as activity has ceased in most cases and slowed in certain exceptional cases. All staff are healthy and continuing to maintain animal care. All animal orders and transfers have been halted. Any ongoing research should have submitted a Critical Research Infrastructure form for both lab and animal work that needs to continue. At this time, food and bedding have not been impacted and there is a sufficient reserve of supplies to continue at this level for several months. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) continue to run as normal, with staff working from home. Semi-annual inspections scheduled for April in Storrs were granted a six-month extension. These inspections will be rescheduled as soon as possible after the shutdown.


Human Subjects Research and Environment Health and Safety

The IRBs, Biosafety Committees, and Radiation Safety Committees continue to run as normal, with staff working from home.


Guidance on Proposals Submission

Due to increased proposal submissions and a desire to provide strong service in support of proposal submissions, sponsored project proposals (including the final budget and application, science in draft) must be submitted well in advance of the deadline and in accordance with Sponsored Program Services’ (SPS) five-day minimum processing policy. Additionally, the final application, ready for submission, must be submitted the day before the deadline. With staff working remotely and the challenges this may present, SPS cannot promise that proposals received less than 48 hours before the deadline or final applications received on the day of the deadline will be reviewed and submitted on time. See OVPR FAQ on Proposal submissions for more information.


Guidance on Salary & Stipends charged to Sponsored Programs

Following guidance from Human Resources on 2020-04-03 FAQs related to salaries and stipends on research grants and contracts were released. Sponsored Projects Salary and Stipend FAQs address questions for Principal Investigators (PIs) and full- and part-time salaried employees paid on sponsored projects, including postdoctoral research associates and graduate assistants. Visit the HR COVID-19 sites for UConn Information and UConn Health Information.


Donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from Research Grants & Contracts

We want to make sure UConn researchers know that residual supplies purchased from a grant or contract that has ended may be donated to UConn Health. In addition, the NIH is allowing recipients to donate PPE and other lab supplies in support of efforts related to COVID-19. Recipients may re-budget grant funds to repurchase supplies at a later date. As of this writing, the NSF just released their guidance for donation (see NSF April 10 implementing guidance). We anticipate that other federal sponsors will follow the NIH. Sponsor Guidance will be updated on the COVID-19 Sponsor Issued Guidance website.  Note that in the case of NSF, prior sponsor approval is required.

For information on how to make a donation, please see the “Personal Protective Equipment FAQs.”


COVID-19 Research

UConn Research Tackling COVID-19

As mentioned before, it has been incredibly heartening to see how swiftly UConn’s researchers have taken action to help tackle this global crisis. There has been regular coverage in UConn Today and the media about UConn research collaborations to quickly produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), new research grants focused on COVID-19, and scholarship that addresses the impact of this pandemic on education, the economy, and society. I encourage you to visit UConn Today to read about the many new projects, publications, and partnerships that are already yielding encouraging results.


COVID-19 Funding Opportunities

The OVPR has created a webpage to share external and internal funding opportunities related to COVID-19 research. You can also contact research@uconn.edu to request that additional opportunities be added to the site and shared with the UConn research community.


Supplemental Federal Support for Sponsored Programs

The OVPR recognizes that each month of the shutdown represents significant lost productivity toward research objectives and milestones. As such, the OVPR is working in close collaboration with UConn’s Office of Governmental Relations, the Connecticut Congressional Delegation, and other APLU universities to request that supplemental federal funding be made available to federal agencies to provide to grantees at institutions of higher education to address the unprecedented disruption to research caused by the COVID-19 crisis. This is an ongoing process, and updates will be provided as they become available.


In Closing

The President and the OVPR will hold an informational session specific to research. The date and time of this informational session will be forthcoming. We have received a number of questions from faculty, administrators and the Faculty Senate and plan to address all of them and point to guidance as applicable. The session will be divided into two parts: the first will offer an update from the OVPR on all the available information that we have at this time, with an understanding that there remain many unknowns. This update will be followed by a Q&A period.

As always, my team and I thank you for your continued support and dedication to UConn and UConn Health. We will continue to keep you updated as the situation evolves. If you have any questions, please visit the OVPR COVID-19 Resource page, the Coronavirus information pages for UConn and UConn Health, or email ovpr@uconn.edu.





Radenka Maric, PhD

Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

UConn/UConn Health

OMB Issues Guidance to Federal Agencies

On March 19th, 2020 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a memo (M-20-17) relating to Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal sponsored awards. This memo lists a variety of actions and costs to which Federal agencies may grant exceptions due to impacts from COVID-19.

The OMB memo does not authorize recipients to undertake any of the listed actions or to charge any of the mentioned costs to an award. It only gives other federal agencies the authority to issue exceptions in accordance with the memo.
Please continue to refer to sponsor and UConn policy for guidance in managing sponsored awards impacted by COVID-19.

COVID-19 Sponsor Issued Guidance

This page will be updated regularly with guidance from sponsors, but is not a comprehensive resource. As new information is released regularly, where possible members of the UConn research community are encouraged to sign up for alerts from sponsors to get updates in real time.


Click below for a summary of Sponsoring Agency Terms and Guidance – updated as of May 29, 2020.  Please note the excel file contains two tabs, one for Federal Agency Guidance and the second for Non-Federal Agency Guidance.

Sponsor Guidance Matrix


Office of Management and Budget (OMB) OMB Guidance
Federal Sponsor Guidance

COGR – Agency Guidance Specific to Federal Award Impact

Additional Federal Sponsor Guidance not on COGR Website National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Forest Service Eastern Region State and Private Forestry

Other Sponsor Guidance American Heart Association COVID-19 Guidance

IBC Functions Active During COVID-19 Crisis

With the OVPR shutting down most research activities due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, I wanted to assure you that the administrative functions of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) will remain active during this time. Reviews and approvals of registrations and amendments will continue, renewal reminders are being sent, and personnel training records are still being reviewed. Maintaining compliance will help to ensure that when the COVID-19 crisis is resolved, research activities can resume as quickly as possible.

If you have any registrations or amendments pending approval due to requested revisions, it may be a good time to work on these updates. PIs with pending approvals will receive email reminders by the end of the week. For approvals pending completion of training, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is considering conducting in-person trainings through WebEx, and still has online training available for many courses. PIs and lab contacts can check training records though the EHS website by logging in as a supervisor under the “View Training History” section.

UConn Health PIs can find training and meeting information at UConn Health IBC page.

The IBC office is working remotely, and email is the best way to communicate any questions or concerns. Emails can be sent to the ibc@uconn.edu mailbox, or you can email me directly.

The IBCs in Storrs and at UConn Health wish you all the best during this difficult time, and we are here to support you in any way we can.

Thank you and stay well,


Danielle Delage

IBC Program Director

Environmental Health and Safety

Research Integrity & Compliance Services

UConn | Division of Public Safety

3102 Horsebarn Hill Rd, U-4097

Storrs, CT 06269-4097

PHONE (860) 486-1838

FAX (860) 486-1106

EHS Website: ehs.uconn.edu | IBC Website

David J. Cavallaro, MS, CBSP

Biological Health and Safety Manager

Environmental Health and Safety

UConn | Division of Public Safety


STORRS, CT 06269-4097

PHONE: 860-486-3180

FAX: 860-486-1106


Spencer V. Nyholm, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, IBC ChairpersonDepartment of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Connecticut
91 N. Eagleville Rd., Unit 3125
Storrs, CT 06269
(860) 486-4886 office
(860) 486-4331 fax