

  • A 5% annual increase is recommended and should be applied to personnel salary projections for future budget years for all sponsors except NIH.
  • A 3% annual increase is recommended and should be applied to personnel salary projections for future budget years for NIH.
  •  Graduate assistant stipends below reflect annual increases for future budget years for all sponsors for August 2022 through May 2026. A 2% annual increase should be applied thereafter.

Graduate Assistants

A full time graduate assistant devotes one-half time to studies (approximately 20 hours per week) and one half-time to graduate assistant duties. During the summer, graduate assistants are put on special payroll and can work 40 hours per week.  Refer to the Graduate School website for additional information regarding graduate assistants.  If applying for an individual fellowship or training grant from NIH, refer to the NRSA requirements for stipend, tuition, and institutional allowance.

Graduate Assistant Stipends

In accordance with the Graduate Employee Union Contract, the following stipends represent the minimum stipends for graduate assistants.  Estimates are for proposal development only



(20 Hrs)



 (20 Hrs)


 3 Months

(20 Hrs)


 3 Months

(40 Hrs)


Pay Periods

Stipends for Academic Year August 2022 – May 2023
LEVEL   I $34,390 $25,793 $8,598 $17,196 $1,322.69
LEVEL II $36,186 $27,140 $9,047 $18,094 $1,391.77
LEVEL III $40,232 $30,174 $10,058 $20,116 $1,547.38
Stipends for Academic Year August 2023 – May 2024 (4% increase)
LEVEL   I $35,766 $26,825 $8,942 $17,884 $1,375.62
LEVEL II $37,634 $28,226 $9,409 $18,818 $1,447.47
LEVEL III $41,842 $31,382 $10,461 $20,922 $1,609.31
Stipends for Academic Year August 2024 – May 2025 (3.5% increase)
LEVEL   I $37,018 $27,764 $9,255 $18,510 $1,423.77
LEVEL II $38,952 $29,214 $9,738 $19,476 $1,498.16
LEVEL III $43,307 $32,480 $10,827 $21,654 $1,665.66
Stipends for Academic Year August 2025 – May 2026 (3% increase)
LEVEL   I $38,129 $28,597 $9,532 $19,065 $1,466.50
LEVEL II $40,121 $30,091 $10,030 $20,060 $1,543.12
LEVEL III $44,607 $33,455 $11,152 $22,304 $1,715.66

Graduate Assistant Stipend Level Description:

  • LEVEL I – Graduate assistants with at least the baccalaureate degree.
  • LEVEL II – Experienced graduate assistants in a doctoral program with at least the master’s degree or its equivalent in the field of graduate study. Equivalency consists of 30 graduate level content course credits of appropriate course work beyond the baccalaureate degree completed at the University of Connecticut, together with admission to a doctoral program.
  • LEVEL III – For students with experience as graduate assistants who have at least the master’s degree or its equivalent and who have passed the doctoral general examination.

Actual Semester Dates  (The months of June, July & August should be used for budgeting purposes for the summer period)

† Please refer to the Payroll website for updated stipend information.

Post Doctoral Fellow Stipends

  • Below are the current National Research Service Award (NRSA) Post Doctoral Fellow stipend levels that should be taken into consideration when preparing your proposal budget. These stipend levels must be used when applying to the NRSA for support. Stipend levels can also be found on the NIH website / NOT-OD-24-104 (effective 4/23/2024).
  • Use of the stipend level which is consistent with the intended postdoctoral years of experience is recommended for use with other support sources, however, in accordance with University policy, the stipend level must at least be equal to the minimum NRSA rate.
  • For more information, visit the Graduate School Post Doc Policies.


Years of Experience


















Student Labor Pay Scale

Student Labor and Work-Study are paid based on an established pay scale determined by the Office of Student Employment. The rate of pay for a position is based on the skills and level of experience required for the position, regardless of whether earnings are paid through the work-study or student labor payrolls. The pay rate is determined by the hiring supervisor and is subject to approval by the student employment staff in the Office of Student Financial Aid Services.




Pay Rate


The position does not require a   specific degree of skill or prior work experience.



The position requires a reasonable   degree of skill, prior experience and a fair amount of responsibility.



The position requires a high   degree of skill and entails an extensive amount of responsibility.



The position requires advanced   skill, market/environmental demand, knowledge and/or training in a   scientific, academic or specialized study.


DHHS Salary Cap

Effective January 1, 2024, the DHHS salary limitation for Executive Level II has been increased to $221,900. For additional information, please refer to NIH Notice NOT-OD-24-057. Note this salary cap applies to all DHHS agencies.


Compliance Contacts

We would love to hear from you. Please use the following links to reach the most appropriate staff persons in the Research Integrity & Compliance areas:


Reporting Research Concerns

All concerns related to human research, animal research, conflict of interest, research misconduct, research financial accounting, research safety or other research compliance matters should be reported by calling Research Integrity and Compliance Services at 860-679-2230, Office of University Compliance at 860-486-2530, or the specific area.

Concerns can also be reported anonymously through the REPORTLINE by calling a toll-free number at (888) 685-2637 or via the REPORTLINE website. The REPORTLINE is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year operated by a private (non-UConn) company. You may contact the hotline to report a concern without giving your name. You will be able to re-contact the REPORTLINE to track your report to provide further information at a later date or to obtain general updates about the status of your concern.

The University welcomes and encourages good-faith reporting. As such, individuals who submit a report or participate in a compliance investigation in good faith are provided protection from retaliation per the University’s Non-Retaliation Policy.

Additional information on reporting concerns can be found at the Office of University Compliance website.



Agreement Contacts

Name Role Phone Email
Mark Reeves Director, Sponsored Program Contract Services 860.486.8074 mark.reeves@uconn.edu
Jillian Lopez Contracts Manager 860.486.4674 jillian.lopez@uconn.edu
Robert Hinton Contracts Manager robert.hinton@uconn.edu

General Contracts Email: spscontracts@uconn.edu

Incoming Contract Contact by Assigned Academic Unit

Academic Unit Contact
Center for Environmental Science & Engineering (CESE) Robert Hinton
College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Robert Hinton
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Jillian Lopez
Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) Jillian Lopez
Connecticut Sea Grant Jillian Lopez
Eversource Energy Center Jillian Lopez
Global Affairs Jillian Lopez
Institute for Collaboration of Health, Intervention & Policy (InCHIP) Robert Hinton
Institute of Materials Science Jillian Lopez
Marine Science Jillian Lopez
Neag School of Education Robert Hinton
Office of the Vice President for Research Jillian Lopez
School of Business Robert Hinton
School of Engineering Robert Hinton
School of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Department Jillian Lopez
School of Engineering, Center for Clean Energy Engineering Jillian Lopez
School of Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department Jillian Lopez
School of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Robert Hinton
School of Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering Department Robert Hinton
School of Engineering, Connecticut Advanced Computing Center Robert Hinton
School of Engineering, Connecticut Transportation Institute Jillian Lopez
School of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Robert Hinton
School of Engineering, Eversource Energy Center Jillian Lopez
School of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering Department Robert Hinton
School of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department Jillian Lopez
School of Engineering, UTC Institute for Advanced Systems Robert Hinton
School of Fine Arts Jillian Lopez
School of Law Jillian Lopez
School of Nursing Jillian Lopez
School of Pharmacy Robert Hinton
School of Social Work Jillian Lopez
Student Activities Jillian Lopez
Student/Academic Affairs Jillian Lopez
Tech Park Robert Hinton
University Libraries Jillian Lopez

Pre-Award Contacts

Email and Phone: preaward@uconn.edu / 860.486.3622

  • Do you have a proposal-specific issue? Please contact your SPS assigned proposal reviewer (see below for portfolio assignments) for assistance via email or Teams call, since they will be most familiar with your proposal.
  • Not sure who your assigned proposal reviewer is? For this or non-urgent matters, please email preaward@uconn.edu.
  • For more urgent assistance, such as when you are unsure who is reviewing or you have been unable to reach your reviewer,
    please email spshelp@uconn.edu, or call 860.486.1023. Both are actively monitored during regular business hours.
Contacts below may also be reached via Microsoft Teams call or chat during business hours
Name Title Email
Tracy Bourassa Senior Director, Sponsored Program Services tracy.bourassa@uconn.edu
Tanja deMauro Associate Director, Pre-Award Services tanja.demauro@uconn.edu
Matthew Cahill Assistant Director, Pre-Award and Post-Award Support and Analysis matthew.cahill@uconn.edu
Rita Stewart Assistant Director, Pre-Award Intake and Award Setup rita.stewart@uconn.edu
Jason Dearin Grants and Contracts Manager jason.dearin@uconn.edu
Joanna Sabal Grants and Contracts Manager joanna.sabal@uconn.edu
Eric Bybee Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist eric.bybee@uconn.edu 
Lisa Conant Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist lisa.conant@uconn.edu
Carrie Corti-Hunt Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist carrie.corti-hunt@uconn.edu
Kathryn Hassler Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist kathryn.hassler@uconn.edu
Ella Myles Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist ella.myles@uconn.edu
MiChelle Pereira Lopes Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist michelle.p.lopes@uconn.edu
Maria Petrakos Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist maria.petrakos@uconn.edu
Matthew Feely Senior Sponsored Programs Contracts Specialist matthew.feely@uconn.edu
Rachel Humberson Senior Sponsored Programs Contracts Specialist rachel.humberson@uconn.edu
Vanessa Mitchell Grants and Contracts Specialist – Pre-Award and Post-Award Support and Analysis vanessa.mitchell@uconn.edu
Michelle Owens Grants and Contracts Specialist – Pre-Award and Post-Award Support and Analysis michelle.owens@uconn.edu
Daniel Budarz Grants & Contracts Assistant – Intake daniel.budarz@uconn.edu
Megan Hull Grants & Contracts Assistant – Intake megan.hull@uconn.edu
Lana Delasanta Grants & Contracts Assistant – Intake lana.delasanta@uconn.edu
Nicole Jagielo Pre-Award Grant Associate – Award Setup nicole.jagielo@uconn.edu
Jeanette Morales Pre-Award Grant Associate – Award Setup jeanette.morales@uconn.edu
Douglas Willour Pre-Award Grant Associate – Award Setup douglas.willour@uconn.edu

Pre-Award Contact by Assigned Academic Unit

Academic Unit Proposal
Accounting MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Africana Studies, Institute of Eric Bybee Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Agricultural & Natural Resources Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Agricultural & Resource Economics Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Allied Health Sciences Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Animal Science Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Anthropology Eric Bybee Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Art & Art History Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Asian American Studies Institute Eric Bybee Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Benton (William) Museum of Art Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Biomedical Engineering Eric Bybee Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Biotechnology/Bioservices Center Eric Bybee Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Center for Clean Energy Engineering Lisa Conant Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Center for Environmental Science & Engineering Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Center for Integrative Geosciences Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Center for Access & Postsecondary Success Lisa Conant Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Ella Myles Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Chemistry Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Civil & Environmental Engineering Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Office of Dean Eric Bybee Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Communication Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Comcast Center of Excellence for Security Innovation Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Computer Science & Engineering Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Connecticut Advanced Computing Center Kathryn Hassler Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve (CT NERR) Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Connecticut Small Business Development Center MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Connecticut Transportation Institute Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Cooperative Extension System Maria Petrakos Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Curriculum & Instruction Lisa Conant Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Digital Media & Design Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Dramatic Arts Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Eric Bybee Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Economics Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Educational Leadership Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Educational Psychology Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Electrical & Computer Engineering Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
English Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Engineering Diversity Program Ella Myles Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Eversource Energy Center Ella Myles Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Finance MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Geography Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Global Affairs, Office of Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Global Training and Development Institute Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Graduate Education Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
History Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Human Development & Family Studies Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Humanities Institute Eric Bybee Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Institute for Collaboration of Health, Intervention & Policy (inCHIP) Ella Myles Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Institute for Student Success (ISS) MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Institute of Materials Science MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Journalism Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Kinesiology Carrie Corti-Hunt Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Center for Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Linguistics Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Literatures, Cultures & Languages Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Management MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Marine Sciences Maria Petrakos Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Marketing MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Materials Science & Engineering MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Mathematics Ella Myles Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Mechanical Engineering Lisa Conant Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Molecular & Cell Biology Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Music Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Natural Resources & the Environment Carrie Corti-Hunt Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Nutritional Sciences Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Office of Institutional Equity Lisa Conant Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Operations & Information Management MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Pathobiology & Veterinary Science Maria Petrakos Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Pharmaceutical Sciences Kathryn Hassler Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Pharmacy Practice Kathryn Hassler Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
Philosophy Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Physical Therapy Maria Petrakos Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Physics Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Physiology & Neurobiology Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Plant Science & Landscape Architecture Ella Myles Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
Political Science Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Pratt & Whitney Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Psychological Sciences MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Public Policy Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Public & Environmental Safety MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Puerto Rican & Latino Studies, Institute of Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Regional Campuses MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Jeanette Morales
School of Business MiChelle Pereira Lopes Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
School of Education, Office of Dean Ella Myles Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
School of Engineering, Office of Dean Ella Myles Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
School of Fine Arts Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
School of Law Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
School of Nursing Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Douglas Willour
School of Pharmacy, Office of the Dean Kathryn Hassler Rachel Humberson Douglas Willour
School of Social Work MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Sea Grant College Program, Connecticut Maria Petrakos Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Sociology Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Nicole Jagielo
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Statistics Eric Bybee Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Student Activities MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Student Affairs MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Student Health Services Kathryn Hassler Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Tech Park Eric Bybee Rachel Humberson Nicole Jagielo
Undergraduate Education MiChelle Pereira Lopes Matt Feely Douglas Willour
University Libraries Lisa Conant Matt Feely Douglas Willour
Urban & Community Studies Carrie Corti-Hunt Matt Feely Jeanette Morales
Werth Institute Lisa Conant Matt Feely Jeanette Morales

Award Management (Post-Award) Contacts



Name Title Team Phone Email
Jen Przybyszewski Director of Award Management & Post-Award Services 860.486.4293 jennifer.przybyszewski@uconn.edu
Christina Tamburro Manager of Post-Award Business Operations christina.tamburro@uconn.edu
Frances Nation Financial Assistant II frances.nicholas@uconn.edu
Khalid Jabarkhail Assistant Director Teams 1 & 3 khalid.jabarkhail@uconn.edu
Beverly Dauphinais Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 1 860.486.8796 beverly.dauphinais@uconn.edu
Shelby Corbin Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 1 shelby.corbin@uconn.edu
Meg Niewinski Assistant Director Team 2 860.486.1372 meg.niewinski@uconn.edu
Lori Abell Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 2 860.486.4268 lori.abell@uconn.edu
Carleen Wells Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 2 860.486.6198 carleen.wells@uconn.edu
Deb Ives Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 3 860.486.0471 deborah.ives@uconn.edu
Jennifer McNeal Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 3 860.486.3833 jennifer.mcneal@uconn.edu
Daniela Parciasepe Assistant Director Team 4 860.486.2269 daniela.parciasepe@uconn.edu
Christie Rodgers Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 4 christie.rodgers@uconn.edu
Sally Parker Grants & Contracts Specialist Team 4 sally.parker@uconn.edu
Crystal Lawton Manager of Financial Services Financial Services crystal.lawton@uconn.edu
Wendy Andrade Financial Assistant II Financial Services wendy.andrade@uconn.edu
Amy Zurowski Financial Assistant II Financial Services amy.zurowski@uconn.edu
General Email sps@uconn.edu

Post-Award Contact by Assigned Academic Unit

Academic Unit Contact
Agricultural & Resource Economics Beverly Dauphinais
Agriculture Experiment Station Beverly Dauphinais
Agriculture Publications Beverly Dauphinais
Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Shelby Corbin
Allied Health Sciences Beverly Dauphinais
Animal Science Beverly Dauphinais
Anthropology Carleen Wells
Biomedical Engineering Angela Holland
Center for Clean Energy Engineering Christie Rodgers
Center for Environmental Science & Engineering Shelby Corbin
Center for Open Research Lori Abell
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Christie Rodgers
Chemistry Carleen Wells
Civil & Environmental Engineering Angela Holland
Communication Carleen Wells
Computer Science & Engineering Sally Parker
Connecticut Advanced Computing Center Sally Parker
Connecticut Entrepreneurship Innovation Center Beverly Dauphinais
Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) Jennifer McNeal
Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve (CTNERR) Shelby Corbin
Connecticut Small Business Development Center Shelby Corbin
Connecticut Transportation Institute Christie Rodgers
Cooperative Extension System Beverly Dauphinais
Curriculum & Instruction Deb Ives
Digital Media & Design Meg Niewinski
Dodd Human Rights Impact Program Jennifer McNeal
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Meg Niewinski
Economic Analysis Center Beverly Dauphinais
Educational Leadership Deb Ives
Educational Psychology Behavior E and R Deb Ives
Educational Psychology Gifted and Talented Deb Ives
Education Deb Ives
Educational Leadership Deb Ives
Educational Psychology Deb Ives
Electrical and Computer Engineering Angela Holland
Engineering Undergraduate Programs Sally Parker
English Carleen Wells
Eversource Energy Center Sally Parker
Geography Carleen Wells
Geosciences Lori Abell
Global Training and Development Institute Shelby Corbin
Graduate Education Matt Cahill
History Carleen Wells
Human Development & Family Studies Carleen Wells
Humanities Institute Meg Niewinski
Innovations Institute Meg Niewinski
Institute for Collaboration of Health, Intervention & Policy (InCHIP) Lori Abell
Institute of Materials Science Angela Holland
Institute for Student Success Beverly Dauphinais
Kinesiology Beverly Dauphinais
Law Instruction and Research Shelby Corbin
Linguistics Carleen Wells
Literatures, Cultures & Languages Carleen Wells
Marine Sciences Jennifer McNeal
Marketing Beverly Dauphinais
Mathematics Lori Abell
Material Science and Engineering Christie Rodgers
Mechanical Engineering Christie Rodgers
Molecular & Cell Biology Carleen Wells
Natural Resources & the Environment Shelby Corbin
Nursing Instruction and Research Jennifer McNeal
Nutritional Sciences Shelby Corbin
Pathobiology & Veterinary Science Shelby Corbin
Pharmaceutical Sciences Jennifer McNeal
Pharmacy Practice Jennifer McNeal
Philosophy Carleen Wells
Physics Meg Niewinski
Physiology & Neurobiology Meg Niewinski
Plant Science & Landscape Architecture Shelby Corbin
Plant Science & Landscape Garden Shelby Corbin
Political Science Carleen Wells
Psychological Sciences Carleen Wells
Public Policy Carleen Wells
Research Shelby Corbin
Rudd Center Lori Abell
Sea Grant College Program Jennifer McNeal
Social Work Deb Ives
Sociology Carleen Wells
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Carleen Wells
Statistics Meg Niewinski
Student Activities Jennifer McNeal
Systems Genomics Carleen Wells
Tech Park Christie Rodgers
University Libraries Deb Ives
UTC Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering Angela Holland
Water Resources Institute Beverly Dauphinais
Werth Institute Beverly Dauphinais
Zwick Center Beverly Dauphinais

Website Feedback

Please use the form below to send us your feedback, questions or to report a problem.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

SCRO Contacts

Name Title Phone Email
Audrey R. Chapman, PhD Chair, SCRO Committee 860.679.1590 achapman@uchc.edu
Ellen Ciesielski SCRO Coordinator 860.679.6004 eciesielski@uchc.edu


SCRO Committee Members

Audrey R. Chapman, PhD, Committee Chair, Professor, School of Medicine, Public Health Sciences

Peter Barwick, MD, Physician (retired), Community Member

Eric Bernstein, JD, EdD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Dental Medicine

Stephen Clark, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Dental Medicine, Genetics and Genome Sciences

Caroline Dealy, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Dental Medicine, Craniofacial Sciences

Jaime Imitola, MD, Vice Chair of Research in Neurology, School of Medicine

James Mulrooney, PhD, Dean, Professor,  Central Connecticut State University, Biomolecular Science

Leonard Paplauskas, UConn Health, Associate Vice President, Research Administration (retired)

Ted Rasmussen, PhD, Associate Professor, UConn, Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ernst Reichenberger, PhD, Professor, School of Dental Medicine, Center for Regenerative Medicine and Skeletal Development

Richard Tombaugh, PhD, Theologian, Community Member

Isolde Bates, ex officio member, Business Services Manager, Genetics and Genome Sciences

Maureen Sansone, ex officio member, IRB Administrator, The Jackson Laboratory

Ellen Ciesielski, SCRO Coordinator, UConn Health, Research Integrity & Compliance

InfoEd FAQs

Here are the most frequently asked questions that our staff receives about the InfoEd eRA system. Click on a question hyperlink to see the corresponding answer.

InfoEd System Portal

How do I access InfoEd?

UConn employees and students access InfoEd securely online at https://www.infoed.uconn.edu by logging in using their existing NetID username and password. Undergraduate students are not automatically added and can click here to obtain access to InfoEd. UConn Health staff and OVPR staff based at UConn Health in Farmington access the UConn Health InfoEd site at https://uchealth.infoed.uconn.edu. Eventually, these two systems will be merged into one.

Is InfoEd available from off-campus?

Yes, InfoEd is available from both on- and off-campus locations at the website address https://www.infoed.uconn.edu for UConn Storrs/Regional campuses and https://uchealth.infoed.uconn.edu/ for UConn Health. You may use any modern, up to date, web browser (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari) to access the system.

Who is provided access to InfoEd?

UConn faculty and staff including UConn Health faculty and staff are automatically set up with an InfoEd account. Graduate students are also automatically set up in InfoEd. Undergraduate Students can request access if they are personnel on a grant or need to submit an IRB protocol for student initiated research. External users (e.g. UConn affiliates) with a business need for InfoEd access should request access after obtaining a UConn NetID through University Information Technology Services (UITS). Access or changes to existing access permissions can be requested on the Request InfoEd Access page.

Human Subjects Module

When is Department Head/Dean approval required for internal review of IRB protocols?

For initial submission of NEW human subject protocols, Department Head/Dean approval is required for all research studies that are not funded by an internal or external funding source. Department Head/Dean approval is not required when responding to a determination that the protocol requires modifications to secure approval EXCEPT when specifically required by the IRB as a condition of approval.Please note: Department Head/Dean approval is NOT required for submission of requests for continuation (expedited and full board), amendments (expedited and full board), protocol deviations or adverse events unless specifically required by the IRB.

In all cases, if the Department/School requires that all submissions be reviewed by the Department Head/Dean, Dean of Research, Graduate Coordinator, etc., then you must comply with the department policy.

What is the policy with regard to students serving as principal investigators for human subject protocols?

For the purposes of submitting protocols through InfoEd, students are now permitted to submit the protocol under their own name. However, the protocol must be routed to the faculty advisor for internal review and approval. Also, when completing the personnel section of the protocol application, the student researcher must change the role automatically assigned by InfoEd when the submission is created. The student must change the role from principal investigator (PI) to student researcher. When adding the faculty advisor to the list of key personnel, that faculty member must be given the PI role. Finally, it is important that the student researcher add the faculty member PI as a delegate to the student’s InfoEd user profile so that the faculty member can, at any time, access the protocol record. Please note: The designation of the student researcher as PI in InfoEd is solely to facilitate the online application process. In accord with UConn policies, the official PI may not be the student researcher (refer to the Eligibility for Principal Investigator Status Policy at http://policy.uconn.edu/?p=975).

For student initiated research, who must internally review and approve the protocol submission?

Principal investigators (PIs), the student's advisor, must approve ALL submissions for student initiated research protocols (e.g. initial submission, re-approval, amendments, etc.). Initial submissions of new, student initiated protocols must be approved by both the PI and the Department Head, as noted in the Department Head question above. Important: Within the submission routing process, select the faculty advisor PI as the first level of approval followed by the Department Head. See the human subjects how-to guide for entitled how to submit a human subjects IRB protocol for internal review and approval, for further instructions.

How do I submit redacted copies of consent forms that are required at the time of re-approval?

There are two ways to submit redacted copies of consent forms that are required at the time of re-approval. First, you can scan the redacted consent forms (with the last name only blacked out) and upload them in PDF format as a supporting document. if you do not have a way to scan the documents, you may hand carry or submit them to the IRB by mail – just be sure to attach a copy of the IRB Face Page from from the IRB website and indicate in the re-approval section that you are submitting copies of five consent forms.

Training and Support

Why can’t I access some how-to guides, video tutorials and/or written instructional manuals from off-campus (e.g. home, hotel while traveling, etc.)?

The how-to guides, video tutorial and instructional manual contains proprietary information about the InfoEd product such as screen shots. As such, there are restrictions on who may view the information presented in the training material. Currently, the video and how-to guides are only accessible on our website after a user logs in with their UConn NetID. You can access these materials remotely, but you must enter your netid to access the page on which these materials are stored. Don't know your UConn NetID or password, visit https://netid.uconn.edu.

How can I receive training on using the InfoEd system?

We offer regular training sessions on various InfoEd eRA modules. Please consult the upcoming events listed on the home page of this site, the Office of the Vice President for Research calendar, or the UConn Events calendar for upcoming dates/times. Many upcoming training sessions are also communicated through the Daily Digest. In addition, self-directed how-to guides and instructions are available on this website. Finally, if you find you need more individualized assistance after attending a scheduled training session or wish to invite us to offer a group training session for your school or college, department, unit or research lab, please complete the training request form with the your training needs and we will get contact you to discuss your request.

How do I get help or support?

Please email eRA-support@uconn.edu or call 860.486.7944 to be connected to a member of our eRA Helpdesk support team. The help desk line is staffed Monday-Friday (except holidays) from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. How to guides and tutorials are also available on this website.

Limited Submission Competitions

Welcome to the OVPR's new limited submission page!  Launched in December 2022, this new approach to limited submissions will allow investigators access to more detailed and up-to-date information about available limited submission opportunities.  We hope that you will find these changes helpful as you seek appropriate funding opportunities for your research!  Please send any feedback you may have to research@uconn.edu.

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to announce these limited submission funding opportunities/awards.  Limited submission programs allow only a select number of applicants from each institution.  In order to determine which PIs will be selected as the official applicants from UConn/UConn Health, an OVPR internal competition may be necessary (full process is described at our website).

All PIs who wish to be considered for these opportunities must submit a notification of intent to submit form through the UConn Quest Portal by the due date listed in the competition advertisement.  PIs must be selected and approved by the OVPR to be eligible to submit.

There are three tables listed below:

  • New Limited Submissions - shows any newly posted limited submissions for the week (updated each Wednesday).
  • Available Without Competition -  shows limited submission opportunities that are past the internal NOI deadline but have not received any NOIs. These are open for submissions without a competition.
  • All Available Competitions - shows all limited submission opportunities currently accepting NOIs.


    How to use this page

    • To view a specific table, click on one of the blue buttons below.
    • Within each table, you will immediate see the most important details
      • Opportunity title
      • Sponsor
      • Award amounts
      • Relevant internal and external deadlines
    • To examine a limited submission opportunity's details closely, you can:
      • Scroll to the right to see additional information
      • Expand the record to see the full opportunity announcement - click on the arrows next to an opportunity's title (hovering over these arrows should show the phrase: "expand record (space)",
      • Visit Airtable to see a full screen version of the table - click on the arrows at the bottom right of the chart that says "view larger version" to visit AirTable, which hosts our Limited Submission opportunity tables.  You not need to sign in or create an account to view opportunity details. If prompted to do so, you can ignore these messages.


    New Limited Submission Opportunities (updated each Wednesday)

    This table details newly posted limited submissions. These limited submissions are updated weekly. Check back every Wednesday for new limited submission opportunities!

    Note: Is an opportunity you found here last week no longer in this table? Please check the "All Active Opportunities" table at the bottom of this page. Limited submissions that are no longer new for the week are transferred into this table.

    Available Without Competition

    This table details limited submission opportunities that have past the internal NOI deadline, but received no submissions. These are available until either an NOI is submitted by a researcher, or the first sponsor deadline passes. Once one of these situations occur, the opportunity is no longer available for new submissions and will be removed from the table.

    In rare occasions, some opportunities may have fast approaching deadlines, and as a result, an internal competition cannot be held within a reasonable time.  These opportunities can also be found within this table.

    All Available Opportunities

    The table above details all available limited submission opportunities. These limited submissions are updated weekly. Check back every Wednesday for new limited submission opportunities!

    Competitions Currently Under Review

    The table above details current opportunities for which an internal selection process is being held.  NOIs are no longer being accepted.  Information provided here for the reference of teams that have submitted NOIs


    Commercialization Process

    Our job is to help your commercialize your technology.  The easiest way to get started is to contact us so we can better understand what you are working on. We encourage you to contact us during your early research activities to be aware of the options that will best leverage the commercial potential of your research.

    The staff is trained to assist you with questions related to marketability, funding sources, commercial partners, patenting and other protection methods, new business startup considerations, university policies and procedures and much more. Our team approach provides you with access to specialized support such as a new business development specialist.

    The typical steps in the commercialization process include:


    The commercialization process begins when a discovery emerges from research.  We offer assistance both prior to and after the research discovery.

    Invention Disclosure

    Submitting an Invention Disclosure to TCS is the first step to formally document your invention with our office.  This is a confidential document which fully details your invention so that we can evaluate options for commercialization.


    TCS will assess your invention for its commercial potential by evaluating its technical strength, market potential, and patentability. We will also consider whether a prototype exists or proof of principle experiments are complete, as well as whether a potential commercial partner has already been identified or has expressed interest.


    We want to protect the rights of those who create IP.  Based on a thorough assessment, we will determine if patent protection is possible and appropriate.  If we believe your invention has commercial potential, we will file a patent application with the U.S. Patent Office.


    TCS will work with you to determine whether to try to license the invention to an existing company or help start a new venture to commercialize the technology.  If we seek a licensing partner, TCS will work with you to identify and contact potential commercial partners and market the technology.


    A licensee is chosen based on its ability to commercialize the technology for the benefit of the general public. Sometimes an established company with experience in similar technologies and markets is the best choice. In other cases, the focus and intensity of a startup company is a better option.  Once a licensee has been identified, TCS will negotiate any necessary agreements with third parties.


    The licensee continues the advancement of the technology and often makes business investments to further develop the product or service. This could include further development, obtaining regulatory approvals, additional sales and marketing support, training, or other activities.


    Licensing revenues received by UConn are distributed to inventors as well as their academic units.  These revenues fund additional research and education and encourage further participation in the technology commercialization process.


    If you have any questions or would like to learn about our portfolio of inventions, please contact us!

    Gregory Gallo, Director, Technology Transfer

    Donna Cyr, Director of Licensing, Physical Sciences & Engineering

    Lindsay Sanford, Director of Licensing, Engineering

    Amit Kumar, Director of Licensing, Business Development

    or call us at 860.679.3992


    InfoEd Proposal Tracking

    InfoEd offers investigators and administrators easy access to a host of information regarding their sponsored projects. Key features include the ability to track project funding status, research compliance approval status and requested/awarded revenue. For more information about use of InfoEd at UConn and access to How To guides, visit the InfoEd page. To login to the system, visit https://www.infoed.uconn.edu using your UConn NetID username and password.

    NIH eRA Commons

    The eRA Commons system is an online interface where grant applicants, grantees, and grantor agencies can access and share administrative information relating to research grants as they are received by NIH via ASSIST or Grants.gov. The eRA system allows Principal Investigators to track their applications; view summary statements and score letters; view notice of awards; submit just in time information; access eSNAP Progress Reports, Financial Status Reports and final closeout reports; and no-cost extensions.

    eRA Commons registration is required prior to initiating an NIH proposal. To register for an eCommons account, complete the NIH eCommons Account Registration Form below. If you already have an ID and password, click on the second link below to login to eRA Commons.

    NIH & Grants.gov

    The University of Connecticut is already registered with Grants.gov. Investigators and departmental personnel need not register. NIH provides guidance on submitting applications through Grants.gov at the following sites:


    Instructions for Routing NIH Proposals via Grants.gov. Internal paperwork must be routed through SPS before it is submitted electronically through Grants.gov.

    1. The routing process should be initiated 5 business days before the deadline date. This allows SPS to review and approve the proposal prior to submission.
    2. The proposal will not be submitted electronically to NIH until SPS receives the complete proposal package, and it has been reviewed and approved. The “complete proposal package” consists of:
      • Internal Proposal Review Form with signatures
      • Budget and Budget Justification
      • Grants.gov application

    The PI does not submit the proposal to NIH. Only SPS has the authority to submit the proposal to NIH after receiving full access permission from the PI.

    1. The PI will complete the electronic application and email to preaward@uconn.edu.
    2. SPS will print the application, review for compliance with application instructions and request additional information and/or corrections as necessary.
    3. The PI will be notified when the application has been reviewed and approved.
    4. The final version must be reviewed prior to submission.


    The Principal Investigator may submit a draft application to SPS for review and approval. The PI may submit draft attachments in the application for review and continue to update their science during the review process.The final application should be submitted to SPS 2 business days before the deadline date.

    Do not wait until the last minute to deliver the final proposal package.

    The grants.gov server has been known to “bog down,” particularly on deadline dates. This may result in missing the deadline.

    Remember: Submission to Grants.gov and the NIH is a multi-step process. Grants.gov processes a series of validations prior to sending the application to the NIH. NIH, in turn, processes a series of business process validations prior to accepting the application.

    A series of email messages will be sent to the PI and SPS when the proposal is submitted via Grants.gov.

    The PI must have an eRA Commons account in order for the application to be validated by NIH. Once an application completes validation by Grants.gov, it is sent to the NIH. In order for the application to be validated by the NIH, each PI must have an eCommons account (Credential Log-In) in the NIH eRA Commons system.

    If the application meets NIH validation requirements, the application is posted in the PI’s eRA eCommons account. The PI and SPS need to check the assembled application in eCommons to ensure the application is complete and has no system conversion issues. If the application did not meet NIH validation requirements and errors were generated, a corrected application must be submitted prior to the submission deadline. If warnings were generated upon validation and the PI would like to address, the previous application must be rejected and a corrected application must be submitted prior to the submission deadline.


    Additional information for NIH submission: