Name | Title | Team | Phone | |
Jen Przybyszewski | Director of Award Management & Post-Award Services | 860.486.4293 | | |
Christina Tamburro | Manager of Post-Award Business Operations | | ||
Frances Nation | Financial Assistant II | | ||
Khalid Jabarkhail | Assistant Director | Teams 1 & 3 | | |
Beverly Dauphinais | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 1 | 860.486.8796 | |
Shelby Corbin | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 1 | | |
Meg Niewinski | Assistant Director | Team 2 | 860.486.1372 | |
Lori Abell | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 2 | 860.486.4268 | |
Carleen Wells | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 2 | 860.486.6198 | |
Deb Ives | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 3 | 860.486.0471 | |
Jennifer McNeal | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 3 | 860.486.3833 | |
Daniela Parciasepe | Assistant Director | Team 4 | 860.486.2269 | |
Christie Rodgers | Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 4 | | |
Sally Parker | Grants & Contracts Specialist | Team 4 | | |
Crystal Lawton | Manager of Financial Services | Financial Services | | |
Wendy Andrade | Financial Assistant II | Financial Services | | |
Amy Zurowski | Financial Assistant II | Financial Services | | |
General Email | |
Post-Award Contact by Assigned Academic Unit
Academic Unit | Contact |
Agricultural & Resource Economics | Beverly Dauphinais |
Agriculture Experiment Station | Beverly Dauphinais |
Agriculture Publications | Beverly Dauphinais |
Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources | Shelby Corbin |
Allied Health Sciences | Beverly Dauphinais |
Animal Science | Beverly Dauphinais |
Anthropology | Carleen Wells |
Biomedical Engineering | Angela Holland |
Center for Clean Energy Engineering | Christie Rodgers |
Center for Environmental Science & Engineering | Shelby Corbin |
Center for Open Research | Lori Abell |
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Christie Rodgers |
Chemistry | Carleen Wells |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Angela Holland |
Communication | Carleen Wells |
Computer Science & Engineering | Sally Parker |
Connecticut Advanced Computing Center | Sally Parker |
Connecticut Entrepreneurship Innovation Center | Beverly Dauphinais |
Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) | Jennifer McNeal |
Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve (CTNERR) | Shelby Corbin |
Connecticut Small Business Development Center | Shelby Corbin |
Connecticut Transportation Institute | Christie Rodgers |
Cooperative Extension System | Beverly Dauphinais |
Curriculum & Instruction | Deb Ives |
Digital Media & Design | Meg Niewinski |
Dodd Human Rights Impact Program | Jennifer McNeal |
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | Meg Niewinski |
Economic Analysis Center | Beverly Dauphinais |
Educational Leadership | Deb Ives |
Educational Psychology Behavior E and R | Deb Ives |
Educational Psychology Gifted and Talented | Deb Ives |
Education | Deb Ives |
Educational Leadership | Deb Ives |
Educational Psychology | Deb Ives |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Angela Holland |
Engineering Undergraduate Programs | Sally Parker |
English | Carleen Wells |
Eversource Energy Center | Sally Parker |
Geography | Carleen Wells |
Geosciences | Lori Abell |
Global Training and Development Institute | Shelby Corbin |
Graduate Education | Matt Cahill |
History | Carleen Wells |
Human Development & Family Studies | Carleen Wells |
Humanities Institute | Meg Niewinski |
Innovations Institute | Meg Niewinski |
Institute for Collaboration of Health, Intervention & Policy (InCHIP) | Lori Abell |
Institute of Materials Science | Angela Holland |
Institute for Student Success | Beverly Dauphinais |
Kinesiology | Beverly Dauphinais |
Law Instruction and Research | Shelby Corbin |
Linguistics | Carleen Wells |
Literatures, Cultures & Languages | Carleen Wells |
Marine Sciences | Jennifer McNeal |
Marketing | Beverly Dauphinais |
Mathematics | Lori Abell |
Material Science and Engineering | Christie Rodgers |
Mechanical Engineering | Christie Rodgers |
Molecular & Cell Biology | Carleen Wells |
Natural Resources & the Environment | Shelby Corbin |
Nursing Instruction and Research | Jennifer McNeal |
Nutritional Sciences | Shelby Corbin |
Pathobiology & Veterinary Science | Shelby Corbin |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | Jennifer McNeal |
Pharmacy Practice | Jennifer McNeal |
Philosophy | Carleen Wells |
Physics | Meg Niewinski |
Physiology & Neurobiology | Meg Niewinski |
Plant Science & Landscape Architecture | Shelby Corbin |
Plant Science & Landscape Garden | Shelby Corbin |
Political Science | Carleen Wells |
Psychological Sciences | Carleen Wells |
Public Policy | Carleen Wells |
Research | Shelby Corbin |
Rudd Center | Lori Abell |
Sea Grant College Program | Jennifer McNeal |
Social Work | Deb Ives |
Sociology | Carleen Wells |
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | Carleen Wells |
Statistics | Meg Niewinski |
Student Activities | Jennifer McNeal |
Systems Genomics | Carleen Wells |
Tech Park | Christie Rodgers |
University Libraries | Deb Ives |
UTC Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering | Angela Holland |
Water Resources Institute | Beverly Dauphinais |
Werth Institute | Beverly Dauphinais |
Zwick Center | Beverly Dauphinais |