Reminder: Transition Amendments for UConn IRB

The IRB module of InfoEd was updated on December 16th.  For the system to work as intended, most open studies will need to be transitioned to the new application form:


The following studies need to be migrated:

  • Open studies that received approval or exemption determination from UConn Storrs IRB prior to the system updates (December 16, 2024);
  • Open studies that were approved by an external, non-UConn IRB, that have a record in InfoEd.

The following projects do not need to be migrated:

  • Research studies that are closed;
  • Determinations that a project is not research or projects that are determined not to involve human subjects (aka NHSR determinations);
  • Projects for which data collection is complete, and the only remaining activities are data analysis;
  • Projects that can be closed because they no longer involve human subjects.

When are transition amendments due?

  • Projects that require continuing review with the continuing review application submitted after March 16, 2025 must have been migrated to the new form via a transition amendment prior to the continuation. 
  • Effective March 16, 2025, projects that do not require continuing review must be updated via a transition amendment the next time a submission to the IRB is needed. 

For more information, please see the Study Migration Guide. User Guides are also available on the Human Subjects Module webpage.