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IBC Policies & Procedures

IBC Policies and Procedures

Committee Policies

Due to local, state, and federal regulations and guidelines, Lab Specific Biosafety Manuals (LSBMs) are required for all BSL-2 laboratories. The DPH and NIH will inspect labs to ensure BSL-2 labs have these available and accessible, as well as to ensure that all lab personnel have been trained on the LSBM on an annual basis. The Training Verification Form should be used to show that LSBM training has been completed on an annual basis. The rest of the training columns are optional. However, current personnel training records must be printed from HuskySMS, and added to that section of the binder.

The Biosafety office will distribute template LSBM binders as needed, during annual Biosafety Audits. If you would like to schedule a time for an LSBM binder to be delivered to your lab, prior to the Biosafety Audit, please send an email request to ibc@uconn.edu.

Principal Investigators (PIs) are responsible for including laboratory specific information within the LSBM, to ensure the manual is specific to the biohazards in the lab. This may include, but is not limited to: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), agent specific Pathogen Safety Data Sheets, Bloodborne Pathogens fact sheets, etc.

Below, links can be found to pathogen risk assessments for some of the more common biohazards fat UConn. Feel free to incorporate them into your LSBM if applicable, or use them as a guide to create your own.