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NIH Guidelines Training for PIs

To complete the NIH Guidelines Training for PIs, please log into the new HuskySMS database, which can be accessed using the following link: uconn.scishield.com. You can log in using your UConn NetID and password.

All EHS trainings are accessible to take immediately through HuskySMS. Courses can be accessed under the “Training” tab in the left navigation pane, and you can register for courses using the “Course Directory”.

Once you have completed the NIH Guidelines Training, the quiz must be completed with a 100%, in order to receive credit for completing the training. The quiz can be taken as many times as necessary, and it can be done in multiple sittings if need be.

For additional information on HuskySMS, please visit the EHS website: ehs.uconn.edu/huskysms/

Additional EHS trainings that may be required prior to IBC approval are as follows:

Title of Training Reason for Requirement
Biosafety General Training For those working with biological materials, it is imperative that they understand general biosafety practices to ensure the safety of personnel and the environment
Bloodborne Pathogens Training This is required annually for those working with human and/or non-human primate materials due to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
Laboratory Safety & Chemical Waste Management Training This is required annually for all personnel working in a lab due to the potential for hazardous chemicals being present

It should be noted that some “in-person” trainings are offered remotely via live-stream. Once registered, you will receive notification on how to attend a remote training session.

For a complete list of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) trainings, please visit ehs.uconn.edu/training/.