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    Catalyzing Collaboration: Shaping the Future Together

    IPB Building exterior

    The First UConn and LANL Workshop on Shaping the Future of Cutting-Edge Materials Research


    Save the Dates: Monday and Tuesday November 18th and 19th 2024

    Location: Innovation Partnership Building, 159 Discovery Drive, Storrs, CT 06269

    Parking: Parking will be available on both sides of the building


    • November 18th: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM (Breakfast, lunch, and a cocktail reception provided)
    • November 19th: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Breakfast and lunch provided)


    Organizing Committee

    • Lindsay DiStefano, University of Connecticut
    • Emmanouil ‘Manos’ Anagnostou, University of Connecticut
    • Alexander Balatsky, University of Connecticut
    • David Clark, Los Alamos National Lab
    • Duncan McBranch, Los Alamos National Lab
    • Sanjeev K. Nayak, University of Connecticut
    • Filip Ronning, Los Alamos National Lab


    Event Purpose:

    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is one of the world’s largest scientific laboratories that works in national security, science, energy, and environmental management for the nation. LANL’s scientific and engineering capabilities are part of what makes Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) a science, technology, and engineering powerhouse for the nation.

    The University of Connecticut (UConn) is a premier state university, with research and education across many of the same science, energy, and engineering disciplines.  UConn students are highly skilled and feed a large portion of the workforce in Connecticut and nationwide after graduation. We believe that among them are US citizens who can make an immediate impact in national security research at LANL.

    There are many areas of mutual interest between these institutions, and for the first UConn-LANL workshop, we have selected three strategic areas to explore mutual interest and opportunities for collaboration. 

    The positive outcome of the first workshop would be to identify common interests and, circumstances permitting, seek to start a few collaborative summer projects between UConn and LANL as early as summer 2025.

    The agenda and speakers are subject to change without prior notice. We are committed to delivering a valuable experience and will provide updates as needed. Thank you for your understanding.

    Speaker bios.pdf

    Draft Agenda.pdf

    Save the Date.pdf