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Scholarship Facilitation Fund Spring 2018

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to announce the recipients of the Spring 2018 Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SFF) Awards. Funding support totaling $50,950 will be granted to 30 exciting faculty projects.

The SFF program offers crucial support to faculty research, scholarly activities, creative works, and interdisciplinary initiatives. These competitive awards provide up to $2000 to assist faculty in the initiation, completion, or advancement of these projects.

Additional information about the program, including the guidelines and application form, are available on the OVPR website. The deadline for the Fall 2018 awards is June 1, 2018.

The Spring 2018 SFF awardees are:

Jorge Aguero, Economics, Does Educating Girls Promote Long-Run Economic Development? Evidence from Zimbabwe

Ellen Carillo, English, Teaching Readers in Post-Truth America

Andrea Celli, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Hagar’s Suffering: A Counter-Reformist Subject. The Roman Patronage, and the Invention of ‘Abrahamic Religions’

Amanda Denes, Communication, Testing the Moderating Effects of Genotypic Variation on the Brain Mechanisms of Empathy

Shareen Hertel, Political Science, Tethered Fates: Promoting Cooperation between Communities and Corporations

Stephanie Kennedy, School of Social Work, Attitudes Toward Ex-offenders: An Exploration of Felt and Enacted Stigma

Kyounghae Kim, School of Nursing, Factors Associated with Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Administration: Findings of a Retrospective Study of Pediatric Clinics in Connecticut

Alexander Kovner, Physics, Quasi Collectivity in Proton-proton Collisions at High Energy

Brenda Kurz, School of Social Work, The Development of an Interprofessional Pain Management Group Using Interviews with Key Informants

Fred Lee, Political Science, Extraordinary Racial Politics: Four Events in the Informal Constitution of the United States

Seok-woo Lee, Materials Science and Engineering, Superelasticity and Cryogenic Linear Shape Memory Effects of CaFe2As2

Kathryn Libal, School of Social Work, Citizen Mobilization and New Solidarities Opposing European and US Restrictionism

Margaret Lloyd, School of Social Work, Assessing CAPTA State Plans: A Policy Implementation Evaluation

James Magnuson, Psychological Sciences, Interaction in Spoken Word Recognition Models: Feedback Helps

Samuel Martínez, El Instituto, 2018 Eyzaguirre Lecture: Professor Fernando Rosenberg, Brandeis

Melissa McKinney, Natural Resources and the Environment, Validating a Commercially Available Canine Multiplex Cytokine Assay Kit to Measure and Quantify Polar Bear Cytokines

Stuart Miller, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, From Temple to Home to Community: The Survival and Transformation of Ancient Jewish Life in the Wake of Destruction

Spencer Nyholm, Molecular and Cell Biology, Reproductive System Symbiotic Bacteria are Conserved between Two Distinct Populations of Euprymna scolopes from Oahu, Hawaii

Michael Orwicz, Art and Art History, Museums of Memory: Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Latin America

Linda Pescatello, Kinesiology, Using the Immediate Blood Pressure Benefits of Exercise to Improve Exercise Adherence: A Pilot Study (PULSE)

Daisy Reyes, Sociology, How Colleges Shape Latino Experiences Before and After Graduation

Lisa Werkmeister Rozas, School of Social Work, Stewarding the Social Work Profession in the Area of Diversity: The Role of Doctoral Education

Ilya Sochnikov, Physics, Conference: Entangled Orders and Quantum Criticality

Angela Starkweather, School of Nursing, An Exploratory Analysis of Circulating Endocannabinoid-related Lipidome Associated with the Transition from Acute to Chronic Low Back Pain

Scott Stephenson, Geography, Geography Colloquium Series

Steven Szczepanek, Pathobiology, Role of the AP-1 Transcription Factors in Long-term Immunity to Pneumococcal Vaccines

Judith Thorpe, Art and Art History, Like A Whisper, Limited Edition Portfolio, by the Hadrian’s Wall Working Group

Nathaniel Trumbull, Geography, Coastal Perspectives Lecture Series, Avery Point Campus

Miriam Valdovinos, School of Social Work, Health Effects Related to Intimate Partner Violence Impacting Undocumented Latina Immigrant Women

Ryan Watson, Human Development and Family Studies, LGBTQ+ Sexual Health: Foundational Investigations for Improving Health & Well-being of Vulnerable Populations

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